
9th February 2015

Sophia Webster – Magic Unicorn Shoes

These are very un-me shoes and I never thought I'd purchase a pair of skater style slip ons.  I generally find they're quite clumpy and that sporty look just isn’t usually me.  HOWEVER, how could I resist these Sophia Webster beauties?  I mean they have unicorns on them! When I saw them it was one of those "I absolutely have to have them" moments! Read more

28th January 2015

8 Most Worn Things In My Closet

I thought I'd do the "8 Most Worn Things In My Closet" tag.  This tag seem to have been doing the rounds for a while and there are lots of different versions, so if I haven't got the original set of questions I apologise! Read more

26th January 2015

Got Myself a Popsicle

It was my birthday recently and no birthday is ever complete without a present to yourself.  My gift "to Me, from Me" this year was a Charlotte Simone popsicle.  I've had my eye on one of these forever and I'm delighted to finally have one. Read more

5th January 2015

Red Valentino Animals

Red Valentino, the younger sister label to Valentino, has been a fashion favourite of mine forever.  Their look is extremely girly but still fun and very quirky. I've recently added two quirky pairs of shoes to my ever expanding wardrobe and thought I'd share.  I warn you they won't be everyone's cup of tea but I believe fashion shouldn't be taken to seriously and these definitely make me smile! Read more

15th December 2014

A Present To Me From Me – AKA The Outnet Haul (Part 2)

Yesterday you got the first instalment of my The Outnet Haul.  While yesterday was all about silk tops and Iris and Ink, today is all about Current Elliott and patterned jeans. Read more

14th December 2014

A Present to Me From Me: AKA The Outnet Haul (Part 1)

I have been very good this Christmas and got the majority of my gifts purchased, wrapped and under the tree already.  So while Christmas is the season of giving, I just couldn’t resist getting on my own sneaky present "to me from me"!  Personally I blame The Outnet for having one of their amazing Clearance sales during the Christmas present buying season. Read more

10th September 2014

My Perfect Little Booties

You may recognise these rather gorgeous booties from my August Wish List post which you can read HERE.... Yup I treated myself to them! Check out how I'm styling them and if they are worth the hype. Read more

29th August 2014

My Topshop Sale Bargains

Recently I've been complaining to my friends no end about how I can never find anything I want in Topshop anymore. However, this was about to change due to the brilliant final reductions in their sale.... and you know me and a sale!! Read more

25th August 2014

Markus Lupfer Love Affair

So I recently purchased my first Markus Lupfer jumper.  I cannot tell you how long I have wanted one for.... I mean pretty much forever!!  It took me a while to take the plunge so if you want to know whether it was worth the wait read on! Read more

10th August 2014

Banana Republic X Roland Mouret

Thursday 8th August saw the global launch of the Banana Republic X Roland Mouret collection.  I’m not usually someone that goes for the designer/ high street collaborations, However, I’m obviously a fan of Roland Mouret, I mean who isn’t?? His designs are always classic, sophisticated and stunning, so I had to grab a couple of pieces. Read more

31st July 2014

My Accessories Are From Primark Darling!

If you're not a fan of spending big on accessories, I'm talking about why you don't have to! Primark is the place for the best necklaces, read on to find out why! Read more

30th June 2014

Designer Treasure from Designer Exchange

I promised a post on the gem that is DESIGNER EXCHANGE in Knightsbridge and here it finally is.... Better late than never!! Designer Exchange (DEX) is a dress agency with a difference and this is why... Read more