They are fabulous quality, very comfy, the perfect heel height, good for daytime and perfect for nights out - all typical traits of Rossi's shoes.

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You may recognise these rather gorgeous booties from my August Wish List post which you can read HERE…. Yup I treated myself to them!  Yay!!

I am crazy in love with these Gianvito Rossi pink cut out booties from Matches Fashion.  In fact, I was so in love with them I had the web page permanently opened so I could stare at them on a daily basis.  However, at £510 I knew it would be merely online window shopping.  Suddenly the page disappeared and couldn’t be reloaded.  My heart slightly sunk until I realised they had been moved to the SALE page with 40% off! I couldn’t resist even though it was still a naughty treat!

However, I’m head over heels in love (pun intended) and haven’t taken them off since they’ve arrived.  They are fabulous quality, very comfy, the perfect heel height, good for daytime and perfect for nights out – all typical traits of Rossi’s shoes.  If you’re looking to treat yourself to a fabulous shoe, you’ll wear over and over again, I cannot recommend this brand enough.  They’re simply classic, classy and comfy!

FYI – You can read my Closet Confidential post singing my praises about my other favourite pair of Gianvito Rossis HERE.

Also, I would just like to add that I can’t wait to order from Matches Fashion again.  Their packaging is so beautiful and I couldn’t have been more impressed with their customer service! A HUGE recommendation!

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Please note this post contains affiliate links. This does not affect you, the consumer, in the slightest. It simply means the retailer provides a small percentage of the sale to the individual who influenced the sale. As always views remain wholly my own.

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3 Responses to “My Perfect Little Booties”

  1. […] No matter how much money I save there are just too many pretty things out there and my wish list never stops growing! On last months wish list which you can read HERE I actually treated myself to something on it.  I love impulse shopping and going out to the shops and not knowing what I’m going to come home with.  However, there is something really exciting and satisfying about finally getting your hands on an item you have been coveting for ages.  I shared all my excitement about my new purchase on the blog which can be read HERE. […]

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