Having now turned 30, it doesn't seem all that bad. In fact, it's a bit of a relief as I feel more secure in myself than ever before.
At the end of last week, I turned 30. I’m not going to lie I was pretty terrified! The gap between your 20s and 30s seems exponential and I wasn’t sure how ready I was to take that leap.
Having now turned 30, it doesn’t seem all that bad. In fact, it’s a bit of a relief as I feel more secure in myself than ever before. For this post, I thought I’d share a few lessons turning 30 has taught me.
Comparison is the thief of joy
Cliché but so true. I spent a lot of my 20s comparing myself to my peers and benchmarking my successes and failures against theirs. This was such a waste of time.
Success is built upon many things, one of which is happiness. Being happy is fundamental to a successful life. By wasting energy on constantly comparing yourself does no one any good. Besides, everyone’s talents lie in different places, while you’re fretting over not being good enough about one thing, you’re not noticing that you’re excelling somewhere else.
Love Yourself
We’re all blessed and lucky in one way or another and it’s essential to appreciate that. I wasted too many years fretting and crying about not having a smaller nose or being 4 inches taller. At the end of the day, who cares?! The truth is there will always be someone prettier, wealthier or skinnier than you. Love what you have, try to make the most out of it and use your positives to your advantage.
I wrote a whole post about the best ways to believe in yourself which you can read HERE if you want to know more about self-belief and self-love.
Appreciate Those Around You
Relationships, whether it be with family, friends or a partner, are incredibly important and it’s so easy to undervalue them. Whatever you do, don’t throw them away. I did way too much of this in my teens and 20s by skipping out on people’s birthdays or constantly forgetting to call and/or text people back. I lost some amazing people, all because I was too busy or self-involved. I forgot that relationships are not all take, they require hard work, patience and plenty of nurturing.
I’ve been lucky and managed to rebuild relationships with some amazing people but I’ve also lost people I wish I hadn’t. Put effort into your relationships and you’ll be rewarded with people who truly care for you and will always have your back.
My Birthday Outfit
Totally changing the subject, for those that are here for the fashion, this is the outfit I wore to my 30th birthday party. I really wanted to buy a new dress but I either couldn’t find anything I liked or everything was ridiculously expensive. Instead, I delved into the depths of wardrobe and found this BCBG Runway dress which I bought over a year ago and STILL hadn’t worn. You might remember a similar dress in white which I blogged about HERE and HERE and purchased at the same time as this one.
I’m absolutely obsessed with this dress! It’s lace with fringe and stars, 3 of my favourite things, so it couldn’t have been more perfect for such a memorable occasion. It just goes to show you don’t always have to buy something new to feel special.
I’m so glad I invested in this dress when I did (even though I didn’t have anywhere to wear it to at the time) as it saved me having to buy something I either didn’t love or was way out of my price range. There is a good lesson here, if you see an incredible dress and fall head over heels in love with it, buy it! That way when you a special event arises you already have something amazing to wear and it takes off the pressure of having to find something.
Although the dress was old, the shoes were new (check them out HERE). I knew from the moment I saw these around six months ago I HAD to have them. They’re so sculptural and I’m obsessed with them. I realise they’re very similar to my other Saint Laurent Opyum pumps (see them HERE) but I couldn’t resist. Also, unlike the other ones these are much easier to walk in. It feels exactly like wearing a wedge, only most of the wedge is missing(!), which you can’t even feel when they’re on your feet.
If you’ve been ummm’ing and errr’ing between these or the Opyum pumps I would recommend these every time. They’re stunning to look at, easy to walk and a perfect conversation starter!
Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress, Snapchat thatnewdress and Depop @dominiquew.
Happy belated birthday! I love the birthday outfit…very nice. Love the lessons learned.
Very thoughtful post about turning 30! I love your shoes!
Happy birthday babe!! Those heels are next level cool!
x Rubi
Pose & Repeat
Yay happy birthday! Welcome to the otherside
Happy Birthday. These are some good life lessons!!!
Happy birthday, beautiful! What an incredible look, the dress, the shoes, it’s all perfection! I’m now 32 and have to say your reflections on turning 30 are spot on. I’m still working on remembering all of them myself, so this was a great reminder. I hope you’re having a wonderful week!
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Belated birthday, love! You look lovely! xo
Happy birthday beautiful! You learn great thing and I love how happy you look!
Such a lovely post. Glad you are feeling good about turning 30. You look absolutely stunning in your birthday outfit. The dress is just so beautiful.
Gemma x
You look amazing! love your shoes babee!
Mónica Sors
Happy birthday! Turning 30 sounds so scary, but I’m glad it actually felt good and you learned so much in your 20s! Also, the dress looks great, good thing you finally wore it as it is too pretty to lay in the back of your wardrobe!
Marije | thegfguide.com
Happy belated birthday.
Your look is absolutely stunning. I am in love with that dress..
Love, Esther
Congratulations!!! You’re a baby!!1
The most important thing in life is to be happy, The others doesn’t matter what they have or what they do!!!
The dress is beautiful…
Happy belated birthday, gorgeous girl- and welcome to the 30 Club! 🙂
Le Stylo Rouge
Happy Belated Birthday Dominique!! turn 29 next month and I’m petrified! I’ve got to stop with the comparison game soon! It’s killing me! Especially with Instagram! Love your birthday outfit girl!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
so beautiful and chic outfit! interesting shoes! 🙂
and Happy Birthday to you!
Happy belated birthday! Your outfit was gorgeous, those shoes are so cool. And thanks for the lessons! I’m 25 but I’ve been realizing those things recently and you’re so right. Not gonna lie though I am a bit nervous about turning 30 haha.
Hqppy Birthday gorgeous. I turned 30 recently and life seems similar except that I feel mature and responsible infront of thos 20 something kiddos. Haha.
Looks really interesting! Have a nice evening)
This dress is beautiful and I love your shoes x
You’re 30!!! Doesn’t really look like it. I love the party outfit especially the shoes. I wish you the best in this new chapter of life you just entered.
What a perfect birthday outfit babe, I like it that there’s a story of this dress and that makes it more special. Those shoes are really something, I wish you put the link of them (or did I miss it?). Have enjoyed reading the lessons learned too and they are actually gem having reached that age myself many years ago 🙂 Here’s wishing you for many more birthdays to celebrate and more fabulous outfits to rock. Cheers!!!
Happy Birthday! Congrats on the big 30! I agree, I think with growth comes knowing and trusting ourselves more. It’s a wonderful age to enjoy each moment and appreciate everything around you.
Love the all black, lace outfit 🙂
Your heels are so unique and cool !
– Marina
You look wonderful babe.
Happy Birthday and it is just number.
The important is we are progressing.
Btw, i love the love yourslef tip,
I think that’s the most impt.
Much Love,
Jane | The Bandwagon Chic
And you look fab!
Happy Birthday babe and all the best for you!!! 🙂
I hope you had a great day and cant believe you turned 30! I’m tunring 28 this year and also already a bit terrified I must say 😉 haha
But all your points are so true, and especially comparing is not a good idea – we all need to learn that I guess 😉
Loving your heels by the way -what an eyecatcher!!! ♥
Happy Birthdaaaaay! 😉 Great post
You look wonderful 🙂
Agnese & Elisa
Absolutely love this outfit! Your heels are so quirky and that dress is stunning. And happy birthday – I’d never have guessed you were 30! Tanks for sharing some of your major life lessons!
Heather xoxo
Oh Happy birthday! Congratulations on hitting a new decade! My 30 is coming up this year as well and Im a bit anxious about it but I’m sure that it will be fine for both of us!
Oh my, I can’t believe this dress is real! It is too gorgeous and you look incredible wearing it 🙂 Thank you for sharing and congratulations, you look liked you’ve just turned 17 :*
Lots of love ♥ Janury Girl
Welcome to the 30s mi lady!! Happy birthday to you and wishing you all the best. It only gets better on the way up. That dress is gorgeous on you and your shoes is hot. Great lessons learnt and so important too.
Next month is my birthday, I’ll be 25! It may not be a big leap as 30 but I’m kinda terrified as well. I think mid-quarter life crisis is slowly creeping in LOL anyway, Happy Belated Birthday to you! And wishing you all the best and happiness 🙂
xx Alyssa | STYLE VANITY
Great post, I like it 🙂 fantastic outfit 🙂
new post
I hope you had fun on your birthday, dear! Thanks for sharing the lessons you’ve learned. Also, that heels you were wearing is so beautiful. You are totally gorgeous!
xx, Myrra | http://www.myrrazenkate.com
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes hun xx
Thanks doll, the shoes definitely make a statement xx
Haha thank you! xx
Glad you think so hunny xx
Awww that’s so lovely to hear! I would never guess you’re 32, you SO much younger hun xx
Thank you xx
Thank you so much McKenzie xx
Aww happiest of birthdays babe and thirtieth (belated)! Twenties are for making mistakes and your thirties are for not making the same mistakes and learning lessons. Love your birthday outfit choice too. You look beautiful.
Thank you so much Gemma. I was so happy to find this dress lurking in the back of my wardrobe xx
Thank you darling xx
Haha I know! How did I leave it in the depth of my closet for so long?! xx
Thank you Ester, that’s so lovely of you xx
Totally agree with you hun!! xx
Haha thank you, it’s great to be onboard! xx
Oooo not long to go to the big 3-0! Totally agree Instagram can be such a curse sometimes! xx
Thank you Vika xx
Haha, the joys of being in our 30s, being responsible! xx
30 will be here before you know, I swear time goes faster and faster the older you get xx
Thank you Laura xx
Happy birthday Dominique! I hope you had a good one 🙂
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
What a cute post! I love the outfits and learning more about you.. your simply amazing!
Elise | http://www.elisebythepiece.com
Happy belated birthday gorgeous. Wishing you an amazing year. You look stunning and I love your dress.
Great lesson! I completely agree loving yourself is the best gift we can give to ourselves.
Awww thank you so much Violette xx
Thanks doll xx
I’m so sorry I didn’t add a link, they’re still available. I will add one now so you can check them out, they’re pretty special and statement! xx
You are so right hunny, aging is a wonderful thing as we feel so much more comfortable in ourselves xx
Thank you so much Marina xx
It’s definitely important to self-love, I think it’s key to being happy! xx
Thank youuuuu xx
Haha don’t be terrified! Honestly aging is wonderful thing and you become more content the older you get! xx
Thank you so much lovey xx
They are so quirky, that’s why I love them so much! Can’t beat a statement shoe, right!? xx
Don’t worry at all, 30 is turning out to be amazing! xx
Best comment EVER! I love that you said I look like I’m 17, you are my new favourite person xx
Don’t be terrified, honestly aging is the best. I seem to be happier the older I get! xx
Thank you xx
Thank you so much your lovely comment hun xx
I couldn’t agree more with you hun!! xx
Thank you so much Jess, I really appreciate hunny xx
Awww you’re too lovely, thank you so much xx
Happy belated birthday! I turn 30 in August, it’s crazy how fast it’s gone! Your birthday outfit is really gorgeous, love the whole black look with the leather jacket and your LV belt! I agree on everything you said too!
Raindrops of Sapphire
100%!!! xx
Oooh how exciting! I was so scared of turning 30 but it actually turned out to be the best thing ever! xx
First of all happy happy birthday Dominique, hope you had a fantastic one! Second of all, I absolutely adore how you styled this dress with the moto jacket and those unique pumps. Pure perfection and awe! I couldn’t agree more with your lessons as well, especially nurturing relationships and tell the people we value in our lives how much they mean to us. Happy weekend, dearest Xx
Saida | She talks Glam
First things first- Happy Belated Birthday hon!
Secondly, I can see why you’re obsessed with this dress, the deets are gooorge, can’t believe it was tucked at the back of your wardrobe. But I love find pieces that I’ve stashed away.
Also sounds like you’ve learnt some valuable lessons and wishing you a great year ahead! ( :
Aren’t they amazing!? I’m obsessed with them! xx
You’re the best, so happy you think I look younger xx
Thank you so much, 30 has been pretty fabulous so far! xx
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes hun xx
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes and such a lovely comment xx
I know, it was like it was waiting patiently for my 30th! Haha xx