The second thing I'd recommend is getting a smartwatch. It has streamlined my life in so many ways.
When I set my business up over a year ago I struggled to balance my consultancy firm, maintaining a blog and enjoying a full social life. Thankfully, as time has gone on it has got easier to manage. I thought I’d share what I’ve learned so far on trying to successfully do it all.
First thing first, is sleep! Getting a good night’s sleep is essential. When you start a business it’s easy to want to work every hour you can.
In the early days, I often found myself staying up till 3am but in reality, it proved to be completely counterproductive. One, I would struggle with tiredness the next day and two, it made me unable to switch off. I would go to bed tense from emails and looming deadlines.
A couple of months ago I decided enough was enough! I made my bedroom an entirely tech-free zone. I now no longer reply to emails or write proposals in bed. At night, my phone is left in the office rather than on my bedside table.
I cannot begin to tell you how much it has revolutionised my sleep. I fall asleep so much quicker and no longer wake up exhausted.
The second thing I’d recommend is getting a smartwatch. I recently got the Guess Gc Connect and I’m such a fan. It has streamlined my life in so many ways.
I love the choreograph face and that you can customise each sub-dial. I have the weather, my daily steps and battery percentage all available to see in one quick touch.
Living in London knowing the weather is essential as it can change at the drop of a hat. Also, as someone who is fanatical about getting my 10,000 steps a day in, this watch really helps me keep on track. Finally, knowing my battery life means I’m never without it.
Even this super small function has made my day that much easier, and that’s before I even talk about the real tech this watch offers, such as emails, reminders, notifications, a search function and so on!
Despite wanting a smart watch for a while I hadn’t taken the plunge and got one as I wanted something more classic and timeless which would fit with my style. I originally considered the Apple Watch and Fitbit but I wasn’t keen on the sporty aesthetic.
Thankfully, the Gc Connect ticks all the boxes looks wise. I love the steel and rose gold combo and that I can pair it with all my jewellery. In a nutshell, it blends in with my outfits, rather than looking like I’m wearing a piece of tech.
Speaking of what you’re wearing, I strongly believe what you wear can change your outlook on the day. One of my early mistakes was staying in my PJs all day or sticking on some joggers. Now I always get dressed.
If I’ve bought something new, I’ll put it on, even if I’m just staying at home. It gets me excited and automatically puts me in a better mood.
I’ve previously talked about how much I love the challenge of finding fun and fashionable office wear. I have to mention my new Printworks laptop case which is customisable with the most amazing range of stickers. I went super classic with my initials but I’m thinking of adding some more to make it that bit more fun and jazzy!
Lastly, maintaining a social life is so important. When you’re absorbed in all things work, the first thing you let slide is making time to see your loved ones.
When my back is really up against the wall and I’m struggling to do it all, I arrange get-togethers where I’m essentially doing two in one. For example, I’ll organise a gym class or a food shop together. This way you get to see your friends and run your errands at the same time, win win!
Outfit details: Top – Acler (find HERE & HERE) | Trousers – Tory Burch (similar HERE or similar on the high street HERE & HERE) | Watch – Guess (find HERE) | Shoes – Dior (find HERE or similar on the high street HERE & HERE) | Laptop Case – Printworks (find HERE)
I hope these tips and lifestyle changes were helpful and if you have any tricks to staying sane when trying to do it all, please share them in the comments.
Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress, Snapchat thatnewdress and Depop @dominiquew.
These tips sure are valuable and I’ve learnt to practice some myself! Must say I love your top; so gorgeous.
Funmi xx
Oh amazing!!
Mónica Sors
first of all, your outfit is unreal. you look stunning. I would love to work for myself at some point and create something it kind of is what my family has always been doing and taking tech-free time is essential.
I love your top!! And that watch is so cool! I will admit that I write emails in my bed. It’s just that I don’t have an office to go to! I sometimes go in the living room when I need a change of scenery!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
I love the top; it’s too cute. I think keeping the tech and phone out the bedroom is a great idea. So, balance is important to succeed and enjoy life. Nice post!
great tips! I need to take your advice about no tech in the bedroom!
these are really great tips. It is really hard to balance work and home when you work from home. I’m going to try the getting dressed for the day approach. Thanks for sharing.
The Glossychic
These are really great tips babe! Especially love the one about getting more sleep. I shook my head when you said staying up late and then being tired the next day is counterproductive. That’s so freaken true. I haven’t thought much about the other tips, but now I find them useful as well. Thanks for sharing your insight into having a more productive lifestyle.
Wow, this top is stunning! I love all the details.
Adore that top darling so pretty, and your watch looks great too!
Thanks for sharing! I need this watch in my life (for walk counter!!) and thank you for all these tips 🙂 I understand you sleep need and no business in bed: mine too!
xx Dasynka
you are looking so pretty and this watch looks gorgeous in your hand
Completely agree about making sure you get enough sleep- so important. Love your laptop case btw!
P xx
As usual very interesting post! Thanks a lot for sharing)
I love your look! Very chic 🙂
xx Alyssa | STYLE VANITY
Wow those dior heels are amazing darling!
looking good dear
That’s one fun and fab office wear dear! Love the sexy, yet classy top. The pants are pretty edgy too.
Jessica |
I need to try going to bed early, but living in Vegas that’s kind of impossible. Also, leaving the phone and computer aside at night is so nice, can really make such a difference.
Oh I loooove your top !!! soooo pretty !!
Nice pics too!
Have a beautiful day 😉
Olivia Poncelet <3
Your smart watch is very elegant and stylish.
Gorgeous outfit!
Have a nice week!
Gil Zetbase
I love the detail of the sleeves on this top and I totally agree with sleep being an essential!
Heather xoxo
Sleep! Yes! I can’t stress that one enough too. I would regularly stay up late and work all hours into the night, and even though I still stay up late sometimes, I notice it the next day for sure. Love this outfit on you! And the watch is cool!
Raindrops of Sapphire
Such a smart idea to make your bedroom a tech-free zone! I have heard how this completely changes the way people sleep (for the better), but I just can’t do it! Pretty sure I’m addicted to my cell phone, lol.
You look so chic here, lady- that blouse is gorgeous on you!
Le Stylo Rouge
you look so fabulous! 🙂
xoxo, rae
Awesome advice babe, so cool that you manage to juggle everything!
x Rubi
Pose & Repeat
I love your outfit! You look amazing!
Alessa Bernal
Your smile shines girl! We are trying to do the same, as social media is part of our work, we tend to spend so many hours there, even before bed, but now we set a time limit and from that time no media nor tech will be used! IT made a huge difference 😀
Have a nice day,
Patricia & Miguel
Such a fantastic business look Dominique! This laptop case is so amazing – love the personalized initials!
xx, Carmen –
These are great tips Dominique. Very helpful! I agree, we did that sleep. Ha!
You look effortlessly chic and stylish. Nice top there.
Thanks for the interesting post! Have a nice weekend)
Such great tips dear and i think its also a struggle that I’m facing with a fulltime job, the blog and of course you want soe private life 😉
And that laptop case is so pretty – what a good choice!!!
Happy weekend ♥
love the top and the tips! I definitely agree about sleeping early and not staying up until the AMs, even at school staying up until the AMs is a bad idea all around
Narhee | Made in Mauve
You look so beautiful!!!
xx- Nina
Hey hon, good to read your tips. Looks like you’ve got your work and life balance sussed. That’s a cool watch with key go-to functions!
And yes the way you dress does alter how you feel. When I used to work from home, I found it helped to get dressed: not in anything super smart but just something that didn’t scream: ‘I’ve been in bed all day’. I also found that making my bed made me feel more ‘with it’!
Have a lovely weekend ( :
The watch is so beautiful and the whole look super amazing.
That laptop case is ultra chic, just what I’m looking for right now! ♥
You look stunning in this outfit! Wonderful blouse!
That is wonderful that you found balance Thanks for sharing these amazing gadgets I must check them out xoxo Cris
I really like your outfit! The top is so cute! It´s amazing that you manage to handle all the things. I do my blog practically 24/7 and I really don´t know how I would manage it if I had a job and a blog at the same time.
These tips are incredibly important (I made my room a tech free zone recently as well, and it has completely changed my sleep and mood overall), but can we talk about how AMAZING that blouse is? I can’t deal with how pretty it is!
Such a great outfit the blouse is just so pretty! Also love the idea of the watch and having a tech free bedroom!
Have a great week!
Gemma x
I believe in the power of sleep too, unfortunately for me it’s hard to get an 8 hour eye shut because of my little tot. I like this content where you mixed healthy lifestyle and great finds. That watch is everything and your look is definitely a winner. Wishing you a happy week.
You look amazing!!
Agnese & Elisa
You look very gorgeous. I just liked your style.
women formal wear in Bellevue wa
Love this ruffle top! So beautiful!
I’m so happy it’s helpful, that’s so wonderful to hear xx
Thanks doll xx
I always wanted to work for myself too and although it’s hard work, I absolutely love every minute of it xx
Technically, I don’t have an office either, just a desk in my living room but I treat it like an office. When I’m sat at my desk I’m in work mode! xx
Thank you hun! Going tech free was the best decision I made xx
It’s so life changing! I highly recommend it xx
It really is! Hope it was a helpful post doll xx
It makes me so happy to hear you liked the post and it was useful! xx
Thank you so much Katie xx
Thank you so much sweets xx
This watch is so good! I highly recommend it hun xx
Awww thank you Mahi xx
Sleep is so essential! I feel like I can conquer the world after a good nights sleep xx
Thanks darling! xx
Thank you so much Alyssa xx
Thanks, they are favourites of mine! xx
Thanks sweets xx
I love these pants, they are oldies but goodies! xx
Sleep is essential! Everything is better after a good nights sleep! xx
That such a good idea, you need to learn to when to come off social media xx
Thank you doll xx
Thank you so much! This top is a favourite of mine at the moment xx
I can imagine how tricky it is to sleep early in Vegas! Such a night-life city xx
Thank you darling xx
Thank you so much hun, you too! xx
Thank you, this top is my favourite at the moment xx
It really does but takes a lot of discipline! I miss having my phone most nights, haha! xx
Awww thanks hunny xx
Thank you so much. It’s tricky but definitely worth all the hard work! xx
Thank you so much darling xx
Isn’t it fab, I’ve been looking for a good laptop case for a while and so happy with this one xx
Thank you so much hun, glad you like the tips. They’ve definitely helped me! xx
Managing it all can be really tough! xx
It really isn’t the best but sometimes deadlines take over! xx
Awww thank you xx
Yes, making the bed is something I do too! It makes such a difference to the start of the day xx
So sweet of you, thank you so much xx
It’s so great, can’t recommend it enough! Plus, you can customise it! xx
Thank you so much lovely xx
Yes do! This watch is making my life so much easier! xx
Having my own business and blog is tricky but being my own boss and setting my own hours help xx
Haha, I’m so obsessed with it! When I saw it I knew I had to have it xx
They are the best things to happen in my life! Makes my day so much easier xx
That’s so good to hear, I will definitely try and write more posts like this xx
Thank you so much Kane xx
Thank you so much sweets xx
Awwww so sweet, thank you xx