Rather than endlessly buy new products, I've decided to focus on using up the ones I already have. This means I've been accumulating a lot of empties recently.
If you follow my Instagram Stories you’ll have heard know I’m currently not buying any new beauty products this year (or until I run out).
As a beauty junkie, I have products falling out of every drawer and cupboard. Rather than endlessly buy new products, I’ve decided to focus on using up the ones I already have. This means I’ve been accumulating a lot of empties recently.
MorroconOil – Moroccanoil Treatment
As my hair is so long at the moment, it requires a lot of TLC. Thankfully, MorroconOil keeps maintaining it fairly simple. I use it after I’ve washed my hair to lock in moisture and add it to the ends as needed to keep split ends at bay.
I highly recommend! As you can tell go through bottles and bottles of it!
Shop it HERE.
It’s no secret I’m a sucker for anything violet scented, just check out my Discovering the Best Violet Perfume post HERE and Discovering the Best Home Fragrance post HERE to see what I mean.
The one thing I really liked about this is the scent lingers in your hair. Otherwise as a shampoo it’s OK, nothing special, I personally don’t think it’s worth £6.25 for 100g, if I’m totally honest.
Shop it HERE.
I think this was my favourite out of all the empties. If you suffer from dry skin then this is a must-have.
I found myself using it mostly on my feet. Every night I’d slather it all over my feet, pop on my bedsocks on and wake up with the softest tootsies!
Shop it HERE.
Liquid Gold has become one of my favourite skincare products of all time. If you want something effective which shows instantaneous results (lets be honest who doesn’t!) then this is what you need to be using. Literally overnight it resurfaces your skin to make it more radiant and appear less congested.
I’ve used both the Rose version (this one here) and the original one and personally I prefer the original. I found the very heavy rose fragrance makes it even more unsuitable for sensitive skin then it already is. Basically, if you have very sensitive skin I would avoid Liquid Gold altogether, if you have mildly sensitive skin, avoid the rose version.
Shop the Rose version HERE and the regular one HERE.
Bioderma – Make Up Removing Micelle Solution
Out of all the Micellar Waters (and there are plenty on the market) this has to have the most cult status. I’m definitely fan and use it regularly.
The one time I won’t be without it is when I’m travelling, particularly if it’s to a hot climate. It feels so refreshing and soothing on the skin; ideal for a humid, sweaty environment!
Shop it HERE.
Eau Thermale Avene – Micellar Lotion
For a long time the Bioderma Micellar Water was my favourite until I discovered this one. To be honest, it’s a close call between the two but I find the Avene one removes more dirt and daily grime. On the flip side, it does have a soapier texture and doesn’t feel as refreshing on the skin, so it depends what your preferences are.
Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress, Snapchat thatnewdress and Depop @dominiquew
Very interesting post, I also love the mini sizes and find them very useful, especially when going in vacation.
Love the photography! I really want to try something from MorroconOil, it sounds so good!
Anika | anikamay.co.uk
The Daddy O had me going 🙂 I love this selection you have here
these are amazing
These all look really good!!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
OMG I hear you there. I have so much skincare in my drawers that I really shouldn’t try anything new but it’s hard eh! LOVE Avene and Bioderma products! They are so gentle yet effective which is awesome.
Need to try these products!!
xx- Nina
I adore Moroccan Oil products , I do the same when it comes to buying products, I wait till they are nearly empty before purchasing the next batch.
great products I use some of them
Looks really interesting) thanks for the post, dear)
I like Lush products 🙂
I need to try Weleda skin food! Thanks for sharing!
xo Yvonne
I’m the same when comes to beauty products. I get bored really quick and I just keep buying more and more! I need to do the same as you and just finish off what I already have before buying more 😘💞💖
Great post!
Have a nice week!
Gil Zetbase
Ahh I can definitely use that Skin Food Cream from Weleda! I always have dry hands, especially in the winter! When it comes to my feet, I love using vaseline cream, works too! 🙂
Hope you are having a lovely week so far, Dom!
Vivian x
Weleda ist echt eine super gute Firma, coole Produkte die du benutzt. 🙂
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/sekundenbruchteilee
Blog: http://www.sophiaston.de
Good picks dear. I love Moroccan oil.
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
As usual very interesting) Have a nice weekend)
Thank you hun xx
It’s sooo hard! I have given in a couple of times and bought new beauty products! Hehe xx
Isn’t it amazing!? I’m such a fan xx
Thanks hunny xx
Me too, it’s the best! xx
Thank you xx
Yes, they are so useful! I keep a stash of them aside for travelling xx
It’s the best, I swear by it xx
Daddy-O smells amazing, like sweeties! xx
Most of them are so fab, I highly recommend! xx
They are, some of them are such beauty staples xx
Thank you hun xx
Tell me about it! It usually takes me ages to finish a product, haha xx
Some of them are amazing!! xx
Aww that’s good to hear hun xx
It’s so good, I highly recommend! xx
Yes Vaseline is a great for intense moisturising! xx
🙂 🙂