In an age of #TimesUp and #MeToo, I wanted to talk about some of the more positive messages out there.

This is the first year I’ve properly celebrated International Women’s Day, but given the year us ladies have endured, I think we deserve a day devoted to us.  In an age of #TimesUp and #MeToo, I wanted to talk about some of the more positive messages out there.

There are two brands I really wanted to highlight for their inclusive nature and female empowerment.  The first is the clothing brand, Elvi which I’ve only come to know recently.  Elvi began as a plus size clothing brand for women, stocking sizes UK14-26.  However, as of January, they widened their sizing range from size UK8-28.

They believe the future of fashion is inclusivity and I couldn’t be more excited by this new direction.  To have a brand which caters for #EveryBODY is absolutely amazing.

Your size shouldn’t dictate your style, instead brands should be designing for all body shapes.  There is such a gaping hole in the fashion industry for brands like Elvi who embrace and stock ALL sizes and it’s great to see them filling this gap.

I also adore their refreshing imagery which features women of all shapes and sizes standing shoulder to shoulder, just as we do in real life.  Reality isn’t 6ft girl, after 6ft girl with a tiny waist and flawless skin.  The sooner we eradicate this false image of “perfection” the better.

As if all that isn’t enough, their clothes are absolutely gorgeous and very affordable.  See some of my favourites HERE (I already have this stunning dress in my closet), HERE, HERE and HERE.

The second brand I had to mention is a makeup and skincare favourite of mine, Mary Kay.  Mary Kay is a billion-dollar beauty brand which currently employs over 5000 staff and has a network of 3.5 million salespeople.  These numbers are truly staggering but what’s even more impressive, is its humble beginnings and strong mission statement.

One of Mary Kay’s biggest desires was to create a brand which empowered women and gave back to the community.

For those that don’t know Mary Kay, it’s sold via a distribution network of independent beauty consultants.  More often than not, these beauty consultants tend to be women who require flexible hours, such as mums, or women with an entrepreneurial spirit who struggled to get work elsewhere for various reasons.  Essentially, Mary Kay provides the tools for women to become their own success.

As a part of this powerful legacy of female empowerment, Mary Kay is a huge supporter of domestic violence charities and shelters.  They also provide microloans to help women start their own businesses and leadership development programmes to inspire young women to reach their full potential.

Aside from all of this, their products are absolutely amazing.  The next time you’re thinking of doing a beauty splurge I highly recommend finding out who your nearest beauty consultant is and contacting them.  If you’re in the UK you can find out who it is HERE and if you’re in the US HERE.  By buying from Mary Kay you’re safe in the knowledge you’re getting amazing products AND supporting women across the globe.

Finally, all that’s left to do is wish you a very Happy International Women’s Day! Remember the future is definitely female.

Outfit details: Tee – ELVI | Skirt – Finders Keepers (similar HEREHERE) | Jacket – Acne Studios (find HERE in black & HERE in red) | Belt – Louis Vuitton (find HERE & HERE in red) | Shoes – Christian Dior (similar HERE & HERE) | Bag – Chanel (find HERE in black & HERE in beige)

Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress, Snapchat thatnewdress and Depop @dominiquew.

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Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress and Snapchat thatnewdress.

I was kindly gifted the t-shirt from Elvi and and Mary Kay products. As always all opinions remain my own. Also, this post contains affiliate links. This does not affect you, the consumer, in the slightest. It simply means the retailer provides a small percentage of the sale to the individual who influenced the sale.

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  1. Happy International Women’s Day girl! You look absolutely lovely in this neutral outfit! Love the Everybody tee from Elvi! And I love the story behind this brand 🙂 I couldn’t agree more, size doesn’t matter for fashion!

    Hope you are having an amazing week so far 🙂

    Vivian x

  2. I’ve never really celebrated international women’s day either, so it’s kind of new to me! I’m always happy to celebrate and support everyone regardless, but it’s nice to have a day for it. You look amazing as always! That leather jacket is stunning and the LV belt, as well as the Chanel tote, you always have me admiring your accessories lol!

    Raindrops of Sapphire

  3. I used Mary Kay sometime ago but since I’ve lost contact with my beauty consultant I have forgotten about it too. But it has really good make-up products, their palette was flexible you can mix, match and refill. Nice to know about Elvi from your post. Super like your knitted skirt, looks warm. Wishing you a great weekend babe!

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