This year's collection is inspired by the free spirited artists of the Bloomsbury set, capturing the intoxicating essence of their unconventional life in their legendary country house in Sussex where they resided...

Much like most girls, I’m obsessed with Jo Malone scents and products.  For me, they’re the ultimate luxury brand for fragrance, bath and body.  They represent sophistication, elegance and timelessness.

As you may or may not know already Jo Malone launches a limited edition collection including 5 different scents once a year and when they’re sold out, they’re gone.  As a sucker for anything limited, I always treat myself to one… or two.

This year’s collection is inspired by the free spirited artists of the Bloomsbury set, capturing the intoxicating essence of their unconventional life in their legendary country house in Sussex where they resided, which also happens to be not too far from my family home.

Each scent plays on either the lily pond at dawn, the bold blue hyacinth, absinthe afternoons and even golden linseed on paint stained hands.  Warming whisky and sweet pipe tobacco are also key features in this year’s collections.  The scent names are:

  • Whiskey & Cedarwood
  • Blue Hyacinth
  • Tobacco & Mandarin
  • Leather & Artemisia
  • Garden Lillies

I treated myself to Blue Hyacinth which will be my go to scent over the summer.  Hyacinths are my favourited scented flower and always reminds me of home as my mum use to fill the house with them.  This perfume really captures the scent of the flower and I love that once it settles on the skin it smells very clean and fresh.

The other scent I went for was Leather & Artemisia which is a very unusual one.  It has notes of anise-tinged absinthe juxtaposed with heady leather and balanced with Artemisia.  It’s one of those fragrances that is almost impossible to describe.  It has so many different layers and develops and changes as you wear it.

This year Jo Malone has outdone themselves, not only with the scents but also with the beautiful bottles.  They look stunning sat amongst my other perfumes.  Their unique design and colours really make them stand out.  If you’re a Jo Malone fan I definitely recommend treating yourself to one or at least going to have a whiff as this collection is pretty special.

To find out more or learn about the other 3 scents click HERE to be taken to the Jo Malone website.

Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress, Snapchat thatnewdress and Depop @dominiquew.

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Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress and Snapchat thatnewdress.

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53 Responses to “Jo Malone Bloomsbury Collection”

  1. I have been wanting to try Jo Malone for so long but haven’t bite the bullet and purchase one as yet. I did had a chance to sniff them all and there are a couple that I really like. Hopefully in the next couple months I will get a chance to pick one up. These sound really beautiful though but what else do you expect from Jo Malone. x

    Ann-Marie |

  2. I’ve never tried Jo Malone scents but now I have to have them. I would love to try the Whiskey & Cedar wood or the Tobacco & Mandarin, I enjoy these cheeky unconventional scents. I hope they aren’t completely sold out.

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