Now that this chapter is coming to an end I wanted to share my thoughts on what happens after you take the plunge.
One of the questions I get asked over and over again is why I spend so much time in LA, especially when I refer to myself as a “Londoner” or “London blogger” so often. I wrote a “Thoughts of the Month” blogpost nearly a year ago touching on my reasons behind crossing the Atlantic (read HERE if you missed it) and now seems like an apt time to re-address it since March will sadly be the last month I spend in Los Angeles before returning to my hometown, London, full time. Now that this chapter is coming to an end I wanted to share my thoughts on what happens after you take the plunge.
In my previous post I discussed how I hoped taking a leap of faith would reinvigorate my love of life. It was my solution to pulling myself out of a professional and personal rut. I figured by spreading my wings, meeting new people and experiencing new ways of living I’d rewaken my senses and remember life is an adventure and not merely a set of responsibilities.
So I suppose the question is did it work, what did I learn and what’s next?
By isolating myself from all the distractions at home I had time to really think about what I wanted out of life, where I wanted to go and in what order to rank my priorities. The problem is life runs away from us at such a monumental speed it’s very difficult to regroup with all the ongoing distractions home life throws at us. Being alone in LA gave me a chance to assess which things I truly cared about. The most important elements from my home life shone brighter and for the first time in a long time I could clearly pinpoint them. Going forward these are what I’ll be focusing on.
Inevitably wherever you are in the world you’re the same person. I still refuse to eat a Kale salad or become a vegan, no amount of time in this city will change that. Having said that, immersing myself in change has ultimately changed me. My sense of navigation is a little better, I’m less fearful of the unknown and as it turns out, I’m far more resilient than I ever realised. Although my core remains the same my skill set and self belief is far stronger.
The other thing I never expected was how homesick I would be. I suddenly appreciate my city, family and friends so much more. I’m lucky to have such wonderful and loving people surrounding me and I want to be there with them to celebrate their highs and persevere though the lows together. I now know more than ever London, or at least the UK, will always be my base.
Overall taking the plunge and heading to a city where I knew no one was the best headspace I could have asked for. If you ever have the opportunity to do something similar take it with both hands and run. Don’t be afraid, you’ll never know what you can learn about yourself if you don’t challenge yourself. For me it was about realising how much home meant to me, what my priorities in life are and that I can do anything if I really put my mind, heart and soul into it. I’m sure they’ll be a period of readjustment when I’m home which I don’t expect to be easy. The British weather for starters is going to take some getting use to again but I can’t wait to reunited with my beloved London and start the next chapter in life.
I’ve been out of home for 5 years too but recognice that I was just 5h distance and some time time, is the real distance to feel nostalgy
Melange-Boutique Blog || Instgram
Have a safe trip back to London!! Glad you enjoyed LA!!
All the Cute
I used to dream about moving to LA myself and after visiting it for the first time a few weeks ago it was a little disappointing because it didn’t feel like “home” for me. I’ve always loved the US and feel like I could make this a permanent base for myself one day and I suppose now I know I’m more of an East Coaster than West. I’d love to take the plunge though, I have to stop making excuses and finally do it.
Life is about exploring whether it be 5 hours or 15 hours away from home! I salute you for living away from home for so long xx
Thanks my lovely! xx
You know the weird thing is the first time I visited to LA I was disappointed too for pretty much the same reason. However, the more I went there and eventually when I moved it grew on me more and more to a point where I love it. Don’t write it off just yet, although I can totally understand why you prefer the East Coast. xx
Great post! Hope you had enjoyed your trip!
Love from {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}
really nice 🙂
Your experience was great and surely this chapter in LA will be useful to you in many ways, it’s good you realized what your most important things are, I wish you a happy life in London ! 🙂 Kisses
Fashion and Cookies – fashion and beauty blog
Loved this post, Dominque since I can totally relate with you! I from Germany but moved to Chicago over 10 years. Initially I moved to find myself. I wanted to be away from home — I wanted to make it on my own. 10 years later I’m still in the US but I’m proud what I have accomplished here but like you said. Europe will always be my home.
Great post, and thanks so much for sharing!
Happy Monday, love!
xoxo, Vanessa
How gorgeous! Love this great post! Thanks for the inspiration!
Much love, Len
Being far from your own home is always difficult but at the same time it’s an interesting experience. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. xx
Great to know that you have no regrets and I wish you all the luck with the move home. Gemma x
What a thought provoking article. I moved to LA years ago from where I grew up in Northern California, and while that’s not as big of a jump as you did from the UK, it was still very different. But LA is more of my home than where I moved from (I guess it depends on the area, I reside near Santa Monica so that’s much better for me than a different part of LA would be) But I’ve had others who thought like you and decided it wasn’t for them and the east coast and europe is much more preferable!
This was such a great read, Dominique. I could imagine how being distant from those you love has made you become that much more appreciative of those relationships. I also understand that sometimes not being in the same setting and having a familiar routine all the time can really help us grow, mainly because in the beginning, it’s uncomfortable and it’s through being uncomfortable that we truly grow and realize our strengths and weaknesses. Thank so much for sharing, this was indeed a very inspiring post! I hope you have a wonderful week ahead, beautiful!
Thank you so much!xx
Thank you xx
Wow that’s quite a move but I’m so happy you managed to make Chicago your home. I’ve actually never visited, I should add it to my places to go! Thank you so much for the lovely comment xxx
Awww thank YOU hun! xx
I absolutely agree, travel is all about the experience! xx
Thank you much, that’s so sweet! xx
I definitely need to spend some more time in Santa Monica while I’m here, it’s so gorgeous around there! I guess in my case you really can’t take London out of the girl!! Haha xx
Thank you so much Jalisa, you always leave the loveliest comments. Have a wonderful week too xx
Thanks for sharing what you’ve learned about yourself during your time away fom home! I would love to live in California, and hope that it can become a reality in the future. Good luck readjusting to life in the UK!
awesome post! it’s really different to be away but with all the learnings you’ve had, it’s totally worth it! 😀
Have a great week!
Animated Confessions
Such a great post!
I think it’s so important to live in another city for a while and see what you like. I did the same a while back – I moved to San Diego from Rochester, NY which is quite a bit smaller and colder. While SD was awesome, it didn’t compare to the coziness as a small city for me. I lived there for 9 months, and it really helped me learn so much about myself and appreciate what I have! It sounds like you had the same experience.
Annessa /
Good for you, lady- you have to take time for yourself + take stock of your priorities every now and again. More people should follow suit!
Le Stylo Rouge
I can totally relate. I am miles away from home too. Thanks for an inspiring post!
– Cielo
Mermaid in Heels
Great post! nice!
Thanks for sharing this! I actually moved to LA for about 5 years, and it had it’s ups and downs, but ultimately living there made me a better person and helped me realize where I ultimately wanted to be, which was near family and friends.
xo Lacey
Wonderful read. I’m glad you had a chance to live in LA for a while and understood where your heart truly belongs. I will be moving to London soon myself and I hope to find myself there. Hopefully, maybe, we can meet someday!
Heba xx || The Heba
Lovely post! Glad you figured it and now have a clear view of where to go. Have a great journey!
Amazing post, best wishes !
I’ve never been to LA but I know London is such am amazing and inspiring city that I’m sure you’ll be able to rediscover the beauty of it again since you’ve been away!
I think is great that once a month you do this posts because we get to know you a little better! It’s amazing too that you don’t forget where you came from and that you miss it, I think it makes you value even more the people and the place where you grew up and love.. Lastly, I believe that’s super important that you keep being yourself and don’t change who you are because you live in LA. You’re such a beautiful person!! And you deserve the very best.
It’s such a great place to be and there is so much to do here, I hope you get to live out your dream! xx
Thank you so much, I definitely think the more you travel the more you learn about yourself! xx
Thank you so much xx
Our stories sound so alike! Nothing makes you appreciate home more than leaving it! I’m so happy you figured out where you are happiest. I’ve loved my time in LA but nothing beats home xx
Yes definitely, life can be so chaotic we forget to take the time to figure out what we really want! xx
Thanks lovely xx
LA is a great city and has so much to offer and I can definitely see why people love it here but nothing beats being around the people you love you the most!
YAY that’s so exciting! You will love every minute of London living! When’s the move? xx
Thank you so much for the lovely words! xx
Thank you hun! xx
I can honestly say I think London is the best city in the world and I can’t wait to rediscover it! Thank you for the lovely comment! xx
This is the loveliest comment ever! THANK YOU! Also, I’m glad you enjoy the Thoughts of the Month series, I always worry the posts are a bit boring or wordy so this is so encouraging! xx
This reminds me so much of my experience moving away for uni – I only went 300 miles down the country but nobody thought I’d last away from home so long. Best thing I ever did! Living in LA sounds so amazing though – what a wonderful experience! x
Viva Epernay
That makes me so happy to hear that! Moving away is often what we need to discover ourselves! LA is great, you should definitely visit if you haven’t already! xx
Being away from home can be so hard but sometimes it can be refreshing too! I’m so glad you enjoyed the post xx
Thank you, that’s such a wonderful comment, I really appreciated it! xx