I'm going to assume if you're reading this then you're one of the fortunate ones in this world.  After all, you have access to the internet which most likely means you have a roof over your head and food on the table.

that new dress

It’s so easy to get wrapped up in stresses of Christmas, we forget that ultimately the holiday is about giving, sharing and kindness. I’m going to assume if you’re reading this then you’re one of the fortunate ones in this world.  After all, you have access to the internet which most likely means you have a roof over your head and food on the table.

If you still have last minute Christmas gifts to buy (and even if you haven’t) then I urge you to donate to any of the very worthy charities below.  You can either do it your own name or in that of a friend or family member, who I’m sure would appreciate it as much an actual wrapped up gift under the tree.

Syrian Crisis

It’s impossible not to mention the current humanitarian crisis surrounding Syria.  The flight of the Syrian people in besieged Aleppo is more than bears thinking about.  The evacuation has thankfully resumed and while only a few thousand people are left to be bused out, what lies beyond the city is still bleak.  Plummeting temperatures, limited access to food and medical care means there is still an immense struggle ahead.

I’ve honestly felt the lack of news coverage sickening and infuriating.  It should be the only news story being covered by the media at present but sadly it’s hardly making the first story on the news.  As fellow humans it is our duty to stand by each other and help.  Whatever your gender, race or political view please donate and continue to keep these people at the forefront of your thoughts.

Charities to donate to are:

Red Cross | Save The Children | White Helmets | Doctors Beyond Borders

Crisis and Centerpoint

Every year without fail I always like to support these two charities which support homelessness up and down the UK.  If you donate just £22.32 to Crisis you can reserve a place at a center for a homeless person and give them 3 hot meals including a Christmas dinner, a chance to shower and get clean clothes and a health check up from a doctor, optician and dentist.

If you’re not UK based it won’t be hard to find your local homeless charity, just give it a Google.  Around this time of year they can really do with all the help they can get.

Anti Slavery International

The sad truth is there are so many amazing charities, it’s impossible to support them all, so throughout the year this is the one I choose to focus on.  I wrote about this particular charity around this time two years ago and you can catch that post HERE if you’d like to read more about what Anti Slavery International does.

If you’re looking for a worthy cause to support but not sure which one to go for, I wholeheartedly recommend this one.  You’ll probably be shocked to hear that across the world more people are bonded into slavery today than any other point in history.  If you think slavery is something of a bygone era you’re sadly very wrong.

When you’re spending £100s on presents, £20 to the charity of your choice isn’t a lot to ask.  If none of these causes appeal then just pick your favourite one, most have websites where you can donate immediately online using your debit/credit card.

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28 Responses to “Festive Giving”

  1. Yes I completely agree, especially around this year when we’re stressing about Christmas presents and having enough food stocked in the fridge and then you remember there are people that don’t even have homes! xx

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