He celebrated in style with a cake from The Hungry Hounds Bakery which he shared with his doggy friend, Bear.


I know this post may seem a little “crazy dog lady” but firstly, I don’t care and secondly, every now and again it is fine to indulge in some craziness!

Last weekend marked the start of Simba’s birthday week.  He officially turns 3 on 27th February, making him a mighty 21 in human years.  He celebrated in style with a cake from The Hungry Hounds Bakery which he shared with his doggy friend, Bear.




The Hungry Hounds Bakery create made to order artisan dog treats using human grade, organic and locally sourced ingredients.  Think delicious treats which are equally nutritious and exactly what we want to be feeding our hounds!


The cake went down a treat with the greedy two…



After far too much cake, they burnt it all off chasing a ball and each other’s tails in the fields.  All in all a happy doggy day!

For more info about The Hungry Hounds Bakery, visit their website www.thehungryhoundsbakery.co.uk

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