This year rather than getting my wrapping paper and cards from Paperchase, which is my usual choice, I decided to shop small and support independent artists and designers.  

That New Dress Christmas

This post was supposed to go live over a week ago but after solid travel recently my blog schedule has gone a bit haywire! Hopefully, everyone will be coming to the end of their Christmas shopping (I’m almost there, hurrah!) and if you haven’t quite got around to gift wrapping all those presents yet, here are a few of my favourite wrapping papers, Christmas cards and gift tags.

This year rather than getting my wrapping paper and cards from Paperchase, which is my usual choice, I decided to shop small and support independent artists and designers.  There are so many good reasons to do this.  Firstly, you’re supporting emerging talent.  Secondly, the quality is often so much better than shop bought papers and cards.  Thirdly (and very importantly!), you’re going to have the best and most uniquely wrapped presents under the tree.

Nocturnal Papers

Beyonce Kim Kardashian Wrapping PaperBeyonce Wrapping Paper

How funny is this Beyonce/Jay-Z and Kim Kardashian/Kanye West wrapping paper?! It’s reversible so it’s a bit like having two papers on one sheet.  I’ve used this for my 14 year old sister’s presents and she’s so obsessed with it, I’m not sure she even cares what’s hiding beneath it!

They also have some amazing cards.  Keeping on theme I got the Beyonce and Kim K ones.  Although I also had to get this pudding one, as it was my favourite!  It’s so adorable and funny.

Nocturnal Paperimg_7339

Hello Geronimo

hello geronimo

Penguins and polar bears are my two favourite animals, so it’s no surprise I fell head over heels in love with these festive cards.  How handsome does the Emperor Penguin look in his red felt bow tie?!

hello geronimo card

Lisa Jones Studio

Lisa Jones Studio Wrapping Paper Christmas Cards

There was something about this wrapping paper which I was instantly drawn to.  It manages to be fun, traditional, cute and sophisticated all at the same time. Plus, the quality of this paper is so amazing.  I’m not usually one to notice or comment on paper thickness but cutting through this was a dream!

Also, some of Lisa Jones Studio’s cards are too cute for words.  I’m also rather liking the cute and compact size they come in.

Lisa Jones Studio Wrapping Paper Christmas CardsLisa Jones Studio Christmas Cards

Artfull Puffin


Finally, no Christmas wrapping session is complete without some gift tags.  These simple, yet fun gift tags are perfect to compliment almost any wrapping papers.  My personal favourites are the penguin and Rudolf ones.

Lisa jones wrapping paper Artfull Puffin gift tags

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Some of the items featured have been gifted to me but as always all opinions remain wholly my own. Also, please note this post contains affiliate links and/or paid for content. This does not affect you, the consumer, in the slightest. It simply means the retailer provides a small percentage of the sale to the individual who influenced the sale.

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