I'm a firm believer if you really want to do something, you find the time no matter what.

Recently, I’ve been a very bad blogger!  You may (or may not) have noticed my posts have been getting rather sporadic of late.  I use be militant about posting on time and I took immense pride in ensuring content was being churned out on a regular basis, so I thought I should address this recent change.  Plus, it’s a chance to discuss the future of That New Dress.

Over the last couple of years, I’ve tried to keep this blog as focused on fashion and beauty (with some lifestyle) as much as possible.  For the most part, I have kept my personal life out of it.  I love sharing fashion and styling but I’m less in love with sharing my daily life.  Don’t get me wrong I’m a big fan of the bloggers who do, it’s just not for me.  I think this is a big reason venturing into YouTube has never appealed.

I am making a small exception here as I want to explain my recent inactivity.  Nine months ago I started my own consultancy business.  It was a terrifying but incredibly exciting step.  To begin with, blogging and running the business coexisted harmoniously.  The joys of working from home and not having to waste time commuting meant I had more time which I could use far more productively.

Fast forward to today and it has been a total blessing the business has taken off in the way it has.  However, it has come at a cost to the blog.  It’s not that I don’t have time to blog.  I’m a firm believer if you really want to do something, you find the time no matter what.  Instead, I began to resent the amount of time it took away from my business.

As anyone knows who runs their own company you have to be obsessed with it to make it succeed and I felt the blog was holding me back.  Honestly, there were moments I just wanted to shut down That New Dress altogether.   The strict scheduling routine and pressure I put on myself had zapped all the fun out of it.

Happily, I’ve come to my senses and That New Dress is here to stay.  I have put too many years and poured too much love into this blog just to throw it away.  However, I do need to fall back in love with it and stop resenting it.  As a result, there will no longer be a strict schedule, some weeks will have 4 new posts, others may only have 1.

But what I can promise you is this, I aim to keep the quality of content at it’s absolute best.  I also promise not to take a reader or comment for granted.  I am bloody lucky to have people around the world take time out of their day to read my musings.  This blog has been my saviour on many occasions and that’s 100% down to you!  It’s purely down to your lovely words and growing page views that keep me going!

I do ask one favour, if you are a regular reader, I would LOVE to know the type of content you relish the most.  If you could name one previous blogpost you enjoyed the most, it would be incredibly useful, so I can hone in on creating content which is the most enjoyable, helpful and relevant to you.

Outfit details: Dunagrees – Topshop (find HERE in black or similar cream ones HERE & HERE on SALE) | Sweater – Pinko (find HERE) | Jacket – Charlotte Simone (similar HERE) | Shoes – Chloe (find HERE & HERE) | Bag – Givenchy (very similar HERE & HERE)

Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress, Snapchat thatnewdress and Depop @dominiquew.

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Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress and Snapchat thatnewdress.

Please note this post contains affiliate links. This does not affect you, the consumer, in the slightest. It simply means the retailer provides a small percentage of the sale to the individual who influenced the sale.

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114 Responses to “LIFE UPDATE”

  1. Wow, what an exciting development in your life! Congratulations on launching your own business, that is a huge accomplishment! I can’t even imagine how hard it is to juggle two things that are truly YOURS. I know how hard it is to juggle my job and blog, I can’t even imagine how I’d feel if it was my own business instead! I’m looking forward to continuing following your journey in whatever form it may take! As far as posts go, I’ve always been a sucker for your bag posts because there’s always much more of a story behind your reveals than what a lot of other bloggers do. I also loved your “I Turned 30 & This is What I Learned” post because I could relate to so much of it.

  2. I recently found that the pressure I put on myself to post regularly and have better content meant that I ended up posting a hell of a lot less and I just wasn’t enjoying it anymore. Since I made the decision to post whatever I feel like whenever I feel like I have started to take it less seriously and am enjoying it more again. Sometimes I think it’s good to take a little step back. Good luck with your new business!!

    Also really loving that jacket, it’s insane!! 🙂 xx

  3. First of all hun, I would like to congratulate you on stating your own consulting business and I am glad it took off well, wish you even more success! I can understand how you’re feeling, I think strict scheduling does take out the fun out of it at times. Take all the time you need for your business and post whenever you feel like. Quality is always better than quantity anyway 🙂
    Hope you’re having a lovely Valentine’s week <3

  4. I have always liked your blog, its content and your posts. One has a life too and often it is hard to manage well both life and blog so there is natural for one to put a little bit in stand by blogging when there are more important things to do.
    Have a fantastic evening.

  5. It’s so hard to pick posts I love as they’re all so brilliant – some of my favourites have to be the one about flowers and your tips about different sales too. And I totally relate to being more relaxed about your posting schedule – I’ve never had a posting schedule and I think that’s perhaps inhibited my growth, but it’s always made actually blogging more fun. Good luck with the future of That New Dress and I hope you find it easy to fall back in love with your blog!

    Heather xoxo

  6. I only just discovered your blog, but I really love your writing and style! I’m a firm believer of only blogging when you feel like writing something. Once you force yourself to write when you don’t feel like writing, it’s not a good sign. It should always stay fun! 😀 But what I’ve already read from your posts, I would love to keep up with you!

    xo Noor

  7. Ahh congrats on starting your own consultancy business! I can imagine how terrifying it was at the beginning! Keep listening to your heart and succes will follow 🙂 I’m quite new to be honest, but I loved reading your bag reviews and I also love your outifts of course! 🙂 Keep it up, I’d say!

    Happy Valentine’s Day 🙂

    Vivian x


  8. First of all I am happy that you came to the decision to stick with your blog as I discovered it this year. Secondly, brava on starting your own consultancy business, that’s a great leap and it looks like you made the right moves. I too have cut back on my blogging, because of work and I had begun to resent it coz it was stressful trying to work out how to balance life and blogging but I came to the conclusion that I just had to scale back if I wanted to keep up the quality and offer value….I blog every 2 weeks now…Anyhoo, have a lovely day ahead hon and thanks for stopping by my blog ( :

  9. I’m so glad to hear you’re going to keep blogging! I actually really like your blog as we have very similar tastes, so my favourite posts of yours are often reviews on your designer bags, and of course your outfits. I’m very into those! If you did want to go down the personal route, I’m always into finding out more about people too, so that would be fun! Congrats on having such a successful business! As a self employed blogger that works from home, I completely understand your issues with balancing time!

    Raindrops of Sapphire

  10. I adore working from home but these days I have so much on, it feels like I never stop working! Great to hear which posts you like. The bag ones definitely seem to be popular! xx

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