As if all that wasn't enough, we were treated to the most incredible and extravagant champagne afternoon tea.  My eyes immediately honed in on the most beautiful desserts.

Just over a week ago Red Letter Days kindly invited me to spend the afternoon with them at Cake Boy.  For those that don’t know Red Letter Days, they sell unique experiences which you can either gift to your loved ones or keep for yourself.  Their experiences range from riding in a hot air balloon to supercar driving to lavish dining experiences.  If you’re looking for a one of a kind gift, I wholeheartedly recommend checking them out (click HERE to learn more).

I was lucky enough to get to sample their cupcake decorating and afternoon tea experience with baking connoisseur, Eric Lanland at his award-winning cake emporium, Cake Boy.

Cake Boy is a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Battersea, right on the banks of the Thames.  It’s heaven for the sweet toothed, so as you can imagine I was in my element!

We began the day with Eric explaining how our cake decorating experience would unfold and demonstrating some of trickier parts before we were let loose to make our own fondant toppers.

We created our cake toppers using silicon moulds.  There were unicorns, shoes, guitars, handbags, bunny rabbits and even teapots; you name it and there was a mould to create it.

The second step was the most challenging but creative part and my artsy skills were definitely put to the test.  If you have kids (or even a group of adult friends) and you want them silent for a few hours, this is on sure way to do that.  The level of concentration going on as we painted tiny details using food dye and glitter onto our cake toppers was so intense you could have heard a pin drop.

The final step was to ice the cupcakes.  Thankfully, the cakes were already baked and we were presented with a delicious selection of red velvet, lemon drizzle, chocolate and vanilla.  The icing came in every pastel colour you could want, plus an all important chocolate one (which was my personal favourite).  Eric demonstrated 3 easy designs we could follow or you were free to wing it and create whatever your heart desired.

As if all that wasn’t enough, we were treated to the most incredible and extravagant champagne afternoon tea.  My eyes immediately honed in on the most beautiful desserts.  I particularly recommend the Mini Berry Waffle Cones and Wild Berry Magnums which tasted out of this world!  The macaroons and amazing savoury selection wasn’t too shabby either!

After raving about it for days afterwards, my sister has made me promise we’ll go together and to be honest I can’t wait to do it all again.  If you fancy trying some cupcake decorating or treating yourself to what can only be described as the afternoon tea of dreams, then click HERE and HERE to find out more about how to buy and book.  I highly recommend it as a wonderful way to spend time with your friends and/or family to make memories you won’t forget.

As a side note, they can cater to lactose and gluten free diets, as well as provide a vegetarian afternoon tea if required.

Finally, all that is left to say is a HUGE thank you to everyone at Red Letter Days for inviting me and to Eric and Cake Boy London for hosting such a wonderful afternoon.

Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress, Snapchat thatnewdress and Depop @dominiquew.

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Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress and Snapchat thatnewdress.

I was kindly gifted this afternoon by Red Letter Days but as always, all opinions remain wholly my own.

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