When it comes to Gabriela Hearst's bags, if you know, then you know!

When it comes to Gabriela Hearst’s bags, if you know, then you know! I say this because the Nina and Demi are the most highly coveted handbags at the moment.  However, as the brand is still in its infancy, it’s very much under the radar.

Gabriela Hearst launched in Fall 2015.  Her collections are very wool orientated and knitwear is a cornerstone of the brand.

Hearst is committed to creating collections which don’t compromise her ethics and key values.  She takes into consideration where the materials come from and who is making them.  She refers to her designs as luxury with a conscience or “honest luxury”.

Aside from her manufacturing and quality values, I am also drawn to her brand for her incredible charitable commitments.  When Hearst heard East Africa was facing the worst drought in 70 years, she flew to Kenya to educate herself about the unfolding humanitarian crisis.  Horrified to hear that one in eight children under 5 were at risk of dying of drought-related hunger, she knew she had to do something to help.

She partnered with NetaPorter and Bergdorf Goodman to make her cult handbags available to the public for the first time.  They were available to purchase in-store and online for just one week.  If you wanted one previously you had to sign up

If you had wanted one previous to this you had to sign up to a waiting list of 1500+ people and hope you might make it to the top of the list.

As part of this initiative, Hearst pledged $600,000, regardless of how many bags they sold (Bergdorf and NetaPorter sold out) to Save to Children for their famine relief efforts.  With such an incredible cause at its heart, how could you not want one?!  Not only do you get an insanely beautiful bag but you’re simultaneously supporting an incredible cause.

Sadly, the collaboration has come to an end so if you want one now you’ll need to sign up to the waiting list.  Although it looks like the Nina and Demi bags are here to stay, as Hearst will be launching new colours next season.  If you want one, get your name down stat!

Outfit details: Blazer – Balmain x H&M (similar HERE or a high street version HERE) | Top – Balmain (find HERE in blue and HERE in black) | Skirt – Miss Selfridge (find HERE on SALE) | Boots – Chloe (find HERE in limited sizes on SALE or the navy version HERE on SALE) | Bag – Gabriela Hearst (sign up to the waiting list HERE)

Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress, Snapchat thatnewdress and Depop @dominiquew.

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  1. This is the first time I hear about this brand but I have to say that after seeing your outfit I am interesting in knowing more!
    P.S: I discovered your instagram too, so I am following you there too 🙂
    Wish you a fantastic day!

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