“Things come to those who wait”; what a cliché and to a certain extent only half true.  


“Things come to those who wait”; what a cliché and to a certain extent only half true.  The expression really should be, “things come to those who wait but who also work their little behinds off!”  Having faith in yourself, hustling hard and never giving up are key to achieving your goals.  I wrote a post recently on 3 (easy) ways to believe in yourself (catch it HERE if you missed it), so now I want to talk about what comes next.

This post is for all those girls (and guys) who are feeling like they’re not getting anywhere in life and wondering where the light at the end of the tunnel is hiding.  Trust me, it’s out there, you just need some self-belief, patience and determination.


There’s a reason why all the wonderful things in life are hard to come by, the thing that makes them wonderful, is that they’re hard to come by.  I can think of a whole host of things that I’ve had to work incredibly hard for and I can honestly say looking back, every single one was worth the fight (minus the odd ex-boyfriend!).  An achievement is something you have to earn and persevere with.

Whatever it is, that exam result, the next step up the career ladder or even that designer handbag you’ve been lusting after and saving up for.  Keep pushing yourself and keep believing, eventually you will get there.

My goals range from the trivial to the life changing but fighting for all of them was so worth the struggle.  I thought I’d share a couple with you.


For various stupid reasons, I failed the dissertation of my Masters degree.  During the summer I was supposed to be writing it, I fell in love with a boy and like an idiot I prioritised him over anything else.  It resulted in me writing all 100,000 words 3 days before it was due.  Unsurprisingly, it was pretty terrible and I failed!  After plenty of heart felt pleas I rewrote it and it was reaccepted the following summer and thankfully I passed.  It was hard work, I had to research and write it while I was at law school so I had double the work load but it was definitely worth it.  The sense of accomplishment was monumental and the satisfaction of righting my wrongs felt amazing.  It also taught me another incredibly important lesson, to never prioritise a boy!!


Outfit details: Jumper – I Love Mr Mittens (similar HERE or knit your own HERE) | Trousers – Tory Burch (similar HERE) | Shoes – ZARA (find HERE) | Bag – Givenchy (similar HERE & HERE) | Necklace – Chanel (similar HERE & HERE)

The second achievement I fought for was overcoming my acne.  This is still a working progress as my skin is far from perfect but I’ve come a long way.  Even though it was more than a decade ago I still remember the exact words some of the girls at school cattily said about it.  If you’ve ever suffered from it yourself you’ll know how debilitating it is, it shatters your confidence.  Thankfully, over time and after trying countless products and treatments, my skin has got clearer.  I’m now happy to go out without makeup which is wonderfully freeing.

I would love to know what you’ve fought for and achieved.  Let’s share some stories so we can inspire each other to never give up!

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48 Responses to “Why You Should NEVER Give Up”

  1. I love this post 🙂 So inspiring ! I really like your thick knit top, and it’s so cool that you are in Law School.
    I totally recognize myself in the struggle of achieving my dreams and goals.
    It’s not easy at all.
    I also had a lot of acne problems before, but I found that by not eating dairy, my skin problems vanished.

    Best wishes

  2. I love the uplifting vibes of this post, thanks for this babe! I self-reflect a lot because sometimes I feel like I didn’t make some of the right choices but I remind myself that I wouldn’t be where I am today or who I am today if it weren’t for those choices. I am also working on being more content and happy with where I am in life =)

    xoxo Rina

  3. It is really admirable that you were able to finish your dissertation and attend law school! I can’t imagine how much work that was but it’s quite an accomplishment. I also suffered from acne and am currently lucky to be living with mostly clear skin but know the exact feelings you discussed.

  4. Oh my, that dissertation story. It makes me quite happy that I´m way too ambitious to ever prioritise anything over my academic career (which might also be a major flaw of mine). Well done on passing it the following year though! I know I´d feel way too embarrassed to ever go back to it (another major flaw), haha.
    My story or achievement would probably be overcoming my anxiety. I was diagnosed with it this summer after basically falling down a dark, dark rabbit hole (although I all along knew I was a very anxious person). Right now I´m feeling pretty good though. I can manage my everyday life without anyone noticing I have severe anxiety & I´m still working on the bigger things. It´ll take time but eventually I´ll get there!
    xx Lisa | Following Lisa

  5. I definitely understand that! I can be very shy in a group of people I don’t know. Small talk is tough but I find the more I do it and put myself out there, the better I get at it!

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