Unfortunately, I fell into a rut where I was stuck in miserable job, spending crippling amounts on bills and forgoing seeing friends. I became stagnant and everyday felt like groundhog day. I simply stopped striving and forget to be brave and the importance of self belief.
In one of my first ever Thoughts of the Month post I wrote about my “Happiness Formula” (read it HERE if you didn’t catch it) but if truth be told I haven’t been living my life by it recently. It is so easy to get caught up in the rat race of London that sometimes you overlook life is short and forget to savour every moment. Unfortunately, I fell into a rut where I was stuck in miserable job, spending crippling amounts on bills and forgoing seeing friends. I became stagnant and everyday felt like groundhog day. I simply stopped striving and forget to be brave and the importance of self belief.
To break the cycle I’ve decided to take the plunge and set myself a new challenge, testing my courage and hopefully invigorating my love of life! I’m packing my bags, giving up my home, saying goodbye to family and friends and leaving my four legged best friend behind for new (and sunnier) pastures. I’m headed on an adventure to a whole new part of the world.
Hello Los Angeles!
The plan is to indulge in a few months away from “normality” and submerge myself somewhere completely new. I want to take myself out of my comfort zone and shake up every part of it because it is when we move away from comfortable and test ourselves we really excel. We learn things we never knew and overcome challenges we never thought we would. I believe striving and achieving are key in the pursuit of happiness. If you want to know if this is true, watch this space as I’ll be taking you along with me on this adventure!
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