...I feel it’s important to address my absence, as it is deeply rooted in a much bigger problem facing society today.

You might, or might not, have noticed I recently took a lengthy blog and digital detox. I all but disappeared from the internet. On 1st January 2019, I made a firm decision to privatise all my social media platforms and in turn, bring back some “me-time” to my life.
I’m delighted to say I’m finally out of hibernation and thrilled to be back with a brand-new blog design (more on that later!). However, I feel it’s important to address my absence, as it is deeply rooted in a much bigger problem facing society today. In short, disingenuous imagery is damaging.
Although I’m a fairly confident woman, who likes to think she has her shit together, when the internet and social media is your job, it has a way of exasperating insecurities and personal doubts.

The bombardment of beautiful women with insane bodies or fashionistas toting a different it-bag every day, left me wondering how I’m supposed to keep up? If I’m not prepared to post half naked photos of me online or rack up obscene credit card bills to in stay in-vogue, is there even a place for me in this digital arena?
Of course, the answer is yes. The beauty of the internet is it mirrors the real world and there is a part for everyone to play. However, like life, it should be governed by truth and authenticity. I’ve thought long and hard about what I want my role online to be and it’s firmly rooted in reality. I’m not interested in what the latest “Insta-pose” is or burning my way through fast-fashion. Instead, my content is purely about genuine recommendations and clothes which can be re-worn and restyled numerous of different ways.
In short, it’s imperative this blog is REAL and not a polished-up version of me. Hand on heart, I value authenticity above everything else I do.
I wanted to share a few blog and image principles, so you know what to expect from That New Dress going forward:

1) Any images of myself across my blog and social media are completely accurate as to how I actually look. There is no use of Photoshop on my face or body; you can expect to see pimples, lumpy bits and all.
2) I will never use those face filters on Instagram Stories which distorts your face and changes your appearance, you won’t even see me as a dog or rabbit! (I do use and will continue to use the colour filters, as they can make an image clearer. However, the intention is to create a better / clearer image rather than alter or improve my appearance).
3) I never have and never will use Facetune on any of my images.
4) I will continue to clearly disclose all paid for blogposts, Instagram images, Instagram stories and so on. I will also openly share any item which is borrowed or gifted, even if they were provided without expectation from a brand or PR. You will find all this information in the disclosure box at the end of each blogpost.
5) If you are browsing the “In My Wardrobe”, “In My Beauty Cupboard” or “Current Wishlist” pages, please be aware these all utilise affiliate links. These do not affect you, the consumer, in the slightest. It simply means the retailer provides a small percentage of the sale to the individual who influenced it. In addition, any use of affiliate links within my blogposts will be noted in the disclosure box.
These principles will undoubtedly evolve over time. However, what is central to each and every one is honesty, authenticity and trust. I am really looking forward to returning to and continuing the That New Dress journey!

Outfit Details: Sweater – Shop Similar HERE | Trousers – Shop Similar HERE & HERE | Shoes – Shop HERE or the Flat Versions HERE | Long Necklace – Shop HERE | Pearl Necklace – Shop HERE | “D” Necklace – Shop HERE | Pink Quartz Cocktail Ring – Shop HERE
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Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress and Snapchat thatnewdress.
I was kindly gifted this neon sweater from Femme Luxe Finery.
Also, please note this post contains affiliate links and/or paid for content. This does not affect you, the consumer, in the slightest. It simply means the retailer provides a small percentage of the sale to the individual who influenced the sale. As always views remain wholly my own.