It doesn’t matter whether you’re Gisele Bündchen, Kate Moss or Kendall Jenner, EVERY woman has pointless body hang ups.

I wanted to talk about body image and body positivity as it is so important to celebrate our amazing bodies. This also neatly follows on from my previous blogpost where I touched on the impact social media and bombardment of unrealistic images had on my own insecurities and wellbeing.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re Gisele Bündchen, Kate Moss or Kendall Jenner, EVERY woman has pointless body hang ups. Some of these can be changed, some can’t and some are too big an ask to even consider the necessary lifestyle changes (such as plastic surgery or giving up sugar, gluten, diary and everything else yummy!).

I often fall down the rabbit hole of Instagram models and influencers and wonder why I can’t look like them. The curse of social media is we carry these perfect images on our phone with us everywhere we go. I don’t think there is a woman or man who isn’t partial to feeling inadequate by this endless and constant sea of imagery.
I wish I could say I was 100% body confident but of course, I’m not. However, if you asked me to list my insecurities when I was 21 and now that I’m 31, the list is a hell of a lot shorter today. In part, it’s due to acceptance which comes with age. It’s also down to realising just how short life is and learning not to sweat the small stuff.
Other than waiting to get older, the other thing I recommend doing is, accentuating the part of your body you like the least. I realise this sounds counterintuitive, but it’s something that I’ve tried and tested recently and it left me with an unexpected confidence.
Wearing this dress goes against everything I’ve learned about hiding my pear shape body. I’m fortunate to have a petite top half, so in a flattering outfit, I can look quite slender. However, my hips, thighs and calves are disproportionately large compared to my frame; so, it seems like utter madness to put on a dress that draws attention to my hips and legs!

Surprisingly, when I looked at these photos, I realised it really wasn’t as bad as I thought! Yes, there are a few lumps and bumps and my calves look like overstuffed sausages coming out of my ankle boots, but in the end, I didn’t solely see my overly highlighted flaws, instead, I just see me and I’m OK with being me.
I challenge you to try it. Whatever you think your biggest body flaw is, embrace it and try an outfit which flaunts it. Work your best angles and have your most talented photographer friend take some snaps of you. You may be surprised by what you see.

Outfit Details: Dress – Shop HERE (On SALE!) | Belts – Shop HERE & HERE | Shoes – Shop Similar HERE & HERE in Limited Sizes (Both on SALE!) | Bag – Shop the Nude Version HERE or Larger Size in Black HERE | Cuff – Shop Similar in Gold HERE
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I was kindly gifted this dress by Femme Luxe Finery. As always all opinions and embracing of my curves(!) remain my own.
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