Life has a way of getting on top of us and I think we're all guilty of rushing around nonstop and forgetting to give ourselves sufficient "me time".

ways to unwind

Life has a way of getting on top of us and I think we’re all guilty of rushing around nonstop and forgetting to give ourselves sufficient “me time”.  I thought I’d share my 5 favourite ways to unwind and hopefully, it’ll encourage us all to take a well deserved break!


ways to unwind

Even though this has become my job, I absolutely love it!  I find blogging to be an escape and nothing provides me with a better sense of satisfaction then creating content I’m truly proud of which I can share with the world.  Of course, there are downsides but 90% of the time turning to my blog is my favourite way to unwind.

ways to unwind

Reading Magazines

ways to unwind

This is something I don’t spend enough time doing as I absolutely love it.  These days I tend to get all my fashion, beauty and entertainment news online but the truth is sometimes you can’t beat a magazine. Flicking through the endless pages, seeing all the gorgeous clothes and stunning photography.  It’s impossible not be left inspired.

Face Mask

ways to unwind

Sometimes you can’t beat a good ol’ face mask, especially right before bedtime.  It’s the ultimate “at home” pamper session!  I’m going to be doing a full review on these Peter Thomas Roth facemasks very soon, so watch this space!

Tea and Biscuits

ways to unwindways to unwind

As a Brit you can’t beat tea and biscuits, it’s in our blood!  Jadu Tea has to be the most luxurious of them all and there is something delightfully fancy about having loose leaf tea (although they do offer teabags if you prefer the ease of them!).  If you’re going to unwind you may as well do it in style and everything about Jadu feels luxurious!

As for biscuits, you can’t beat Thomas J Fudge’s delicious Florentines.  They have so many different twists on the classic biscuit, it’s hard not to want to eat them all!  Next on my to try list is the white chocolate version.

ways to unwindThomas J Fudge's Florentines

Organic Aromas

ways to unwindways to unwind

This is a fairly recent discovery.  Organic Aromas specialises in the most amazing Nebulizing Essential Oil Diffusers.  There is a long and scientific explanation as to how Nebulizing Diffusers work and differ from other types of diffusers (which you can read HERE if you’re interested) but just take it from me this smells incredible and it’s totally faff free!  Simply pour in the aromatherapy oil, plug it in, switch it on and you’ll have a heavenly smelling room.

Also, I just love the raindrop design.  I think it’s so elegant and doesn’t look at all out of place sat on a mantlepiece or bookcase.

ways to unwind

I never ask anything of you guys but please this weekend or on your next day off take some time to relax and unwind.  You deserve it!

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52 Responses to “5 Favourite: Ways to Unwind”

  1. I love all your ways to unwind, girl! I’ve been slacking in the face mask department. Ever since we’ve moved, I’ve been non stop and have left out some steps in my beauty regimen, but I’ll be back at this weekend, thanks so much for the reminder! I love coffee and biscuits (we call them cookies here in the states, but biscuits sound much better, haha). I only ever turn to tea when I’m not feeling well for some reason and it’s nearly always mint. I guess it’s just because when I was younger and wasn’t feeling well, my dad would make the BEST mint tea. As much as I’ve tried, I can’t make it nearly as good as him and all he says he puts in it is warm milk and sugar, but I guess it’s perfect measurements or just that he’s doing it, haha! Anyway, thanks so much for sharing, gorgeous, and I hope you’re having the best week so far!



  2. Thank you for some tips on ways to unwind just when I needed it! I broke my camera yesterday (my tripod fell over) even though I am headed to New York Fashion Week next week and shortly thereafter Vancouver Fashion Week and a fashion show in San Francisco!! Stressful week to say the least. 🙂 So, thank you. I really needed this! Even the photos are very calming! I wish I were British to enjoy tea and biscuits. I have to admit I haven’t ever had them, but I love a nice herbal tea. Think I’ll have some right now! XO, Janea

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