So my Ibiza shopping continued till I physically couldn't fit anymore in my suitcase!
So my Ibiza shopping continued till I physically couldn’t fit anymore in my suitcase! In Part 1 you saw the shoes and now it’s time for clothing and accessories.
I’ve been admiring these button fronted style skirts for a while and I know Topshop did a lovely one (available HERE) but at £75 it’s pretty pricey. So imagine my delight when I picked this one up at Stardivarius for 29,99€ (available HERE). I wish I had seen the black one as well in store because I would have snapped it up too.
I’m not usually a vibrant colour kind of girl but there’s something about this scarf! I don’t know if it’s the tones, the pattern or that gorgeous shade of pink but I knew it had to come home with me. It’s super lightweight, easy to throw on and a great size. There’s nothing worse then a tea towel sized scard which you can’t drape it around you and doesn’t make any kind of statement.
I’ve developed a real thing for tassels recently, particularly on jewellery and Ibiza was awash with so many gorgeous pieces. How cute is this little bracelet which was only 15€ and is 9ct gold plated. I haven’t take it off since I got it. It also has a silk grey tassel near the clasp, just like one on the ring. I’m so into gold jewellery at the moment and I love these pieces worn together during the day.
Also, you may have noticed the brightly coloured tassel necklaces I’m wearing which are fab for adding a pop of the colour and perfect for Summer. I since found ones pretty much identical so grab one while you still can (available HERE & HERE)!
I pretty much live in grey tops all year around soI know this is one of those items I’m going to wear to death. It’s so soft and even though it’s cotton it feels like a finely knit cashmere. Amazing! Also, how sweet is the detailing on the back, just to make it a little more fun?!
Finally, I got these stunning floral head pieces from a stall at the Hippy Market. I’ve always loved these floral garlands but they are really hard to wear so even though I wanted to come home with everything I limited myself to two pieces. I’m really looking forward to wearing the pink one to a Summer wedding, as it’s the perfect substitute instead of a hat.
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