I have already shopped the NAP sale and spent hours going through the 100s of pages so I thought I'd share a few of the best pieces.
When the Net-a-Porter sale starts I always do a little leap for joy, as it’s the best place to bag a bargain without any of the hustle and bustle. It only went live this morning but I have already I shopped it and spent hours going through the 100s of pages so I thought I’d share a few of the best pieces (with direct links to all of them!).
1. Espadrilles (40% off) | 2. Bikini (30% off) | 3. Dress (40% off) | 4. Top (30% off) | 5. Bikini (30% off) | 6. Shoes (40% off) | 7. Top (40% off) | 8. Hat (50% off)
1. Shirt (40% off) | 2. Shirt (40% off) | 3. Trainers (40% off) | 4. Jeans (30% off) | 5. Shoes (40% off) | 6. Top (30% off) | 7. Shoes (30% off) | 8. Purse (40% off)
1. Dungarees (40% off) | 2. Shoes (50% off) | 3. Jumper (30% off) | 4. Boots (40% off) | 5. Clutch Bag (40% off) | 6. Dress (30% off) | 7. Ankle Boots (40% off) | 8. Card Holder (50% off)
I always think there are two ways to shop the Net-a-Porter sale. Either with fast fingers on the first day so you can get all the very best bit and pieces. Alternatively, you can wait till the end when the further reductions hit and you can grab an ultra bargain. However, nothing is more annoying than when you buy something right at the beginning and then it’s reduced further later on. So, I have a little trick to stop you from losing out.
Net-a-Porter has a 30 day refund policy, even with sales items, and I make full use of it. I will often snap up the pieces I really love at the start of the sale but I don’t wear them and I make sure I keep all their tags on up until the further reductions have taken place. That way if something is reduced further I can buy it again at the cheaper price and then I’ll return the items I bought initially. When you’re a salesholic like me, you learn all the tactics to bag yourself the best bargain!
Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress, Snapchat thatnewdress and Depop @dominiquew
Thank you for sharing this sale girl, it helps a lot. Have a lovely week!
My Vogue Style | http://www.myvoguestyle.com
I love your tactic for getting the best prices during the Net-a-Porter sale! Your selections are wonderful, by the way. I especially love those wild dungarees.
xo, janea
Wonderful selection!
Have a nice day!
Gil Zetbase
Whenever I get a sale email, my heart drops lol!
Raindrops of Sapphire
That is such a great tip about their return policy! I haven’t actually shopped on Net-a-Porter but I always hear about it and see such nice things that bloggers like yourself have purchased off the site. I love all the items you shared and my favourites are definitely the pineapple dress and the pink flats with pearls on the heel!
You’ve got Style to Love! I love your blog!!!
Hadasah || http://www.styletolove.com
gorgeous list, i love ananas blouse
new outfit on my blog Patch look
have an happy day, kisses
The bikinis are cute!
I’m really loving the items especially the footwear.So great.
Ohh I love this list especially the pineapple print pieces. That’s a clever way to bag a bargain, thanks dear!
Oh I spotted some very nice picks here! Thanks for reminding me of that sale – it would be a shame to miss it 🙂
xx, Carmen – http://www.carmitive.com
Loving the Chloe suede boots! So cool 🙂
Anika xo | anikamay.co.uk
Great selection, I love them all!
Love the floral bikini, the print is so lovely and vintage-ish. The white top looks elegant, love that!
Madame X
The Flower Duet
I cannot resist a good sale! 🙂 Great picks, babe!
Le Stylo Rouge
That’s a great selection and great tips too.
Gemma x
I love the sale at Net-a-porter.
My order is already on its way. Should arrive tomorrow.
Have a nice day. Love, Esther
These are all so cute, I love that pineapple dress
I love Net-a-Porter. They have such beautiful but expensive clothes so I am excited about their sale!
Great post, I like it 🙂
new post
Great selection dear!
Im lovng the post. Loving the summer pieces.
Oh great picks darling I love it Summer in the city
OMG I love that pineapple dress, I would look so cute in it. I need that wine colored clutch. What a great sale!
Amazing selection ! 😀
Can’t wait for summer!
I’m loving the holiday fever selection.
Yesss time to go shopping!
Blog | Instagram | Blogger Tools
This is such a lovely post – I love a good sale hahaha! 🙂
Layla xx
Aww good I’m so glad hun xx
Aren’t those dungaress fab?! I really want them! xx
Thank you hun xx
Tell me about it! I get the same feeling, haha! xx
How adorable is that pineapple print?! It’s so perfect for summer! xx
Thanks doll xx
Aren’t they just?! xx
Aww that’s great to hear hun xx
The pineapple is dress is beyond adorable and perfect for summer! xx
Haha yes it defintiely would be! xx
They are so on my wish list! I love those! xx
Thanks sweetie xx
I totally agree re. bikini, it’s such a fab print xx
Haha you and me both hun xx
Thank you lovely xx
Oooh I hope you share on the blog what you got! xx
The pineapple dress has definitely been a popular choice xx
I know what you mean! I only tend to shop in the sale, as it’s just too expensive otherwise! xx
Thank you so much! xx
Thanks hunny xx
Aww that’s great to hear hun xx
Thank you sweetie xx
I obsessed with anything wine coloured. It’s the perfect shade in the Fall xx
Thank you hun xx
Me too, I think everything in that edit makes you feel summer ready! xx
Yessss, indeed it is! Haha xx
Me too doll! xx
You are the sweetest! Thank you hunny xx