know there are so many amazing fitness bloggers out there but personally, I find their beautifully toned bodies and uber healthy diets can be a little on the intimidating side. I want this to be an honest and realistic account of what it's like not only to train for a marathon, but also change your lifestyle for the better.
I never thought I’d do a blog series focused on fitness but this blog post is kick-starting exactly that. I am delving back into the world of working out, eating healthy and getting on my fitness a-game after quite a few years of being a lazy lump!
Not only that, I have set myself a goal to help me stay motivated. In April I will be running not one, but two, marathons. I know, I know, madness for someone who has just got back into the gym. However, I’m one of those people that if I don’t have something to work towards I’ll lose focus and I really want to make this a permanent lifestyle change, rather than a just a phase.
The point of this “fitness journey” series is to share the challenges and realities of getting fit for a total beginner! I know there are so many amazing fitness bloggers out there but personally, I find their beautifully toned bodies and uber healthy diets can be a little on the intimidating side. I want this to be an honest and realistic account of what it’s like not only to train for a marathon, but also change your lifestyle for the better.
The last time I was in a really good place with my fitness and regularly working out was 5 years ago. After leaving it so long I’d developed an acute fear of stepping back in the gym because I knew how hard and frustrating it was going to be. I was very aware I’d have to start from scratch and I was daunted by the uphill struggle.
However, there is sadly no easy way out of this one. No word of a lie, it took me about 3 months of thinking about going for a run before I actually put my trainers on and finally did it. It wasn’t great, but it wasn’t awful either and in a nutshell, I survived it! So, my first piece of advice for anyone who is in the same boat as I was, is like it or lump it, the ONLY way you’re going to make that change is by getting off your ass and going for that run, fitness class, gym session, etc. JUST DO IT!
One thing I’ve found which has made a HUGE difference to my workouts is staying hydrated. I don’t just mean drinking water while you’re working out but throughout the day. I tend to work out in the evenings so I make sure I drink at least 1.5 litres over the course of the day. I know this may sound obvious but I was honestly shocked by how much easier my workouts were when I paid attention to how much water I was consuming.
I’ve been using the Big Bottle from The Big Bottle Co. recently as it’s great at keeping track of how much you’re drinking. I fill it up first thing in the morning and work my way through it throughout the day. Once I’ve finished it, I’m safe in the knowledge I’ve consumed a full 2 litres of water.
The plan is to do a “fitness journey” post once a month. Over the course of this series I want to chat about different fitness classes, gorgeous gymwear, work out tips and easy diet changes. I’d like these posts to be super approachable as I know I can’t be the only one who feels intimidated by fitness bloggers and fitness magazines, so feedback would be hugely appreciated. If there’s anything you’d like to see more or less of throughout these posts please let me know.
Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress, Snapchat thatnewdress and Depop @dominiquew.
what a joy to witness your journey on fitness again! I know you can do it as you’ve been there before. such a cute active wear!
Yes cheers to changes! I wish you that this one will be permanent and not a phase. I really struggle finding time to exercise since becoming mom, hope this will change one day. I really really like your top, this would be a fashion motivation for me to do sports – haha. xoxo
First, what a cute top! I’ve never seen a peplum athletic top before… Second, how great that you’re back at it & planning to do two marathons. That’s awesome! I used to kill it at the gym but it’s been a good while since I’ve stayed dedicated. Some health problems prevent me from being able to go as much as before but I really need to get back in there as much as I can. Looking forward to following your fitness journey 🙂
Wow, doing 2 marathons is crazy to me. I am a sprinter so I jogging for that long requires a little bit more training for me. You can do it! So exciting. Hydration is the hardest for distance runners. I feel so out of shape. I have been going from one injury to another so I haven’t been able to push as hard as I used to (old age… lol). Can’t wait to see how your fitness journey develops.
I’m gonna take this blog post as a sign that this is it, I HAVE to get back to the gym. Best of luck with this series, I’ll be here reading every post!
You go, girl! Congrats on a fresh start!
Have a lovely day,
xx Kris
I’m so excited that you’re doing this fitness series because I just got back into working out! I can’t wait to hear how you’ve worked out in this coming up month!
Only you can make exercising look so chic!!! It’s always fun to challenge yourself and focus on fitness. I’ve been exercising regularly for the past 10 years, but every now and again I get lazy during my workouts and my endurance and fitness level goes down the drain. That’s where I am right now. So I’m right there with you, Let do it together 🙂 I promise you I will not look as cute as you.
Thanks a lot 😀
super interesting content my friend. I really love this kind of personal post. 😀
You only need a great focus 😀 keep it up 😀
Instagram ∫ Facebook Official Page ∫ Miguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me 😀
It’s so important to drink as much water as you need when you work out! This bottle sounds perfect! Have a nice weekend!
cool shoes! and i wish you’ll be able to reach your fitness goals 🙂
i wish you the best. enjoy and good luck!
xoxo, rae
You look amazing dear!
Two marathons. Wow Dominique !!! Kudos to you. I love your motivation. Yes, one of my health goals is drinking more water. It does make a big difference. Your workout wear is so perfect. Thank you for the inspiration beautiful lady.
What a lovely journey you are embarking upon, and I look forward to reading updates. You already look gorgeous, but it will be fun to read how you improve your fitness and strength. I too have spent a few years out of the gym and regret it. Fortunately, I’ve switched to a much healthier diet. Thanks for the inspiration!
xo, janea
I like seeing posts like these. They give me the motivation I need.
Thank you for sharing your experience. I agree that you just have to do it. I’m not the biggest fan of exercising but I believe that taking small steps helps.
Her Hive
Thank you for sharing your experience. I agree that you just have to do it. I’m not the biggest fan of exercising but I believe that taking small steps helps.
Her Hive
Great pictures, very sporty! 😀
I love these kinds of posts because they are so inspirational and motivates me too. And it doesn’t hurt that your workout gear are so adorable!
Jessica |
Good luck on the new journey, working out takes a lot of courage and effort!
My Vogue Style |
I love these kinds of posts because they are so inspirational and motivates me too. And it doesn’t hurt that your workout gear are so adorable!
Jessica |
I need that massive bottle, my boyfriend and I were talking about how we wanted to big ones like that
Oh my gosh I need this series. I was–and still am– so into health and fitness. But after working and studying over ten hours a day, everyday– there is often no time for fitness. What I want to know is how to fit in working out into a busy, exhausting schedule. Also, I desperately need to buy new sneakers. Especially looking forward to this series.
Love the whole outfit!! So comfy and chic!
Mónica Sors
I agree, these bloggers are great for inspiration, but not really relatable for the average person. Good luck on your journey, it is a hard one, but it is so worth it. Are you only going to run or will you incorporate other workouts like weights as well?
Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking
Love the whole outfit!! So comfy and chic!
Mónica Sors
Two marathons?! Girl, we are all rooting for you! Can’t wait to see updates xx
I’m too lazy for fitness time and I’m really envious to your determination!!!! Kisses from Italy and thank you for your visit,
Eniwhere Fashion
A stripes dress on Ostuni
Good luck babe, I am on a fitness journey as well!
xx- Nina
You giving some major fitness goals. Great going!!
Staying fit is HARD. It really is. Of course, totally worth it, but something you’re just not motivated- and I’m someone who, while I always feel awesome AFTER a workout, it takes SO MUCH to get me up and actually in the gym, lol.
Le Stylo Rouge
Good luck on your fitness journey! I love the water bottle.
Gemma x
Totally loving this fitness outfit; there’s nothing more stylish than all-black (albeit with flashes of colour!). Good luck with April’s two marathons by the way – that’s one serious goal, I’ve no doubt you’ll smash them! 🙂
You look awesome! But this is amazing! Running 2 marathons is gonna be incredible!
Raindrops of Sapphire
You get it girl!
I love your take on just do it! It’s so true when you need to workout you definitely just need to do it and not think about it too much.
great Post!!
you look amazing.
Wow, I take my hat off to you! Good luck with your training all ready for April. This is going to be so rewarding for you I’m sure. : )
♥ Carly Susanne ~ A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
I’m so happy your into fitness it’s a really exciting world and it’s so good your body and health!!! Waiting for new series 🙂
This whole post makes me so excited!! I cannot wait to hear more about your fitness journey, and I have absolute confidence that you will succeed in achieving your goals. I’ve been trying to make healthier changes to my fitness and diet as well so I will definitely be visiting your blog for more motivation 🙂
I love this post, working out is so important! I was thinking about doing some jogging but I haven’t started yet.
xo Alessia
That bottle is huge yet cute! I wish I had one of those back in high school. I drank a lot of water, especially during cheerleading practice.
xx Alyssa // STYLE VANITY
I need to be more conscious of how much water I’m consuming. I know for fact I don’t consume enough
Thank you so much hunny! I will be using your blog as inspo! xx
Haha! Sportswear is so chic now, that it’s definitely good motivation xx
Thank you so much for your wonderful and supportive comment. The top is from Rebecca Minkoff and I wear it a lot, it’s such great quality. xx
Injury is so difficult to deal with. I’ve had a few over the years and it’s hard to stay motivated with them. I hope you recover fully soon doll xx
YESSS DO IT!! Thank you so much for your lovely words hun xx
Thank you darling! xx
That’s great, we can keep each other motivated xx
You’re the sweetest! We can keep each other motivated hun xx
I’m really glad you enjoyed the post, that’s great to hear xx
Absolutely hun xx
I always wear bright trainers, I just love them xx
Thank you doll xx
Thank you so much. I think two marathons is madness but hopefully I’ll manage it! xx
Healthier diet is my next goal. I need to cut out chocolate and cookies! xx
Aww good I’m so glad xx
I totally agree with you, it’s all about taking small steps xx
Thank you Sophia xx
Yes it defiitely does, I have lots of hard work ahead of me xx
Such a lovely comment, thank you Jessica xx
I love mine and it really helps me up my daily water intake xx
I hear you, it’s so hard when you’re busy to fit exercise into day. I’m going to be doing a post on trainers and which ones to go for so keep an eye out for that one xx
I will defintiely be incorporating weights as well. I worry too much running will wear my joints, esp my knees too much xx
Thank you xx
You’re the sweetest, thank you so much! xx
Haha, I don’t blame you! xx
That’s great, we can motivate each other! xx
Yay, that’s so great to hear! xx
Haha girl I feel you! Getting to the gym is the hardest part xx
Thank you so much Gemma xx
I always work out in black, I think it’s the most flattering! Thank you for the supportive comment doll xx
Incredible or insane?! Haha! xx
Haha thanks hun xx
Totally agree, don’t think about it and just do it, even when you’re not feeling it! xx
Thank you darling! xx
I hope so! I’m definitely looking forward to the challenge xx
It’s so great to hear you’re looking forward to the series, thank you! xx
Thank you SO much, your comment means the absolute world! xx
Do it!!! Honestly once you get that first run out the way it gets so much easier! xx
I love that I know I’m drinking 2 litres of water everyday and getting my daily intake xx
I feel so much better for drinking more water, even my skin is better xx