The truth is, if you're a bit of a spendaholic and like to see your money hanging in your wardrobe then it doesn't come without a few sacrifices.

As you’ve probably realised already I have a bit of a weakness for shopping, particularly luxury shopping!  I would rather have one beautifully designed, perfectly crafted and eyewateringly expensive handbag than a hundred high street ones.

When it comes to spending your hard earned money I’m a firm believer in, each to their own.  I know there are plenty of people who have an opinion on “how much is too much” but as long as you’re working hard, paying your bills and doing your bit to make the world a better place, NO ONE has the right to judge your spending habits!

However, the truth is, if you’re a bit of a spendaholic and like to see your money hanging in your wardrobe then it doesn’t come without a few sacrifices.  Trust me, I know!  Luxury fashion is getting more and more outrageously priced so unless you’re a zillionaire you do have to nip and tuck your expenses somewhere.  I’m sharing a few places I cut back in order to afford (nearly) all the gorgeous clothes and accessories I want!


I think this is the area I save the most money.  Dining out, going to bars and partying in clubs is really expensive.  In London, it’s impossible to go out for dinner and have a couple of cocktails for less than £100 each.  If you’re doing this 3 times a week, it adds up very quickly.  After just 2 to 3 months you’d be able to put that money towards a Chanel handbag!

Thankfully the older I’ve got the less interested I am in being seen at the hotspots.  Instead, I’ll go to my friend’s house and we’ll have a pamper session or we’ll meet up in the park for dog walks.  Dinner parties are a great way to see everyone without blowing a heap of cash.  If everyone brings a dish and a bottle of wine, you’re set for an amazing night without a hefty bill at the end.

Not Drinking

This sort of ties in with the above.  I don’t drink which saves a huge amount of money.   Not only do you save on cocktails and glasses of wine but also save on taxis, as I tend to drive.  If you love to go out, I highly recommend doing at least one t-total night a week.  You’ll be surprised just how many pennies you save.


Over the years I’ve travelled a lot, particularly with work which has (to some extent) taken the shine off travelling for me.  I have friends that jet off to the South of France or Ibiza for the weekend during the summer and skiing during the winter.  However, I nearly always pass up on these trips.

I’m naturally a homebody but even for me, this is a sacrifice.  However, I have to prioritise what I’d rather do.  Do I want to buy those incredible new boots or do I want to go to Cannes for the weekend?  For me, it’s usually shoes every time!

Waiting for the Sales & Buying Preloved

I love that the big luxury websites, like Net-a-Porter and Matches Fashion, have wish lists and I make full use of them.  Throughout the season, I’ll add everything I’m lusting after into my wishlist and wait patiently for the sales to hit and that’s when I shop.  It can take a lot of will power!

The other way of saving a few pennies is buying preloved.  I’ve written a whole blog post on how to buy preloved luxury HERE and I share all my best tips and tricks.

Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress, Snapchat thatnewdress and Depop @dominiquew.

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Please note this post contains affiliate links. This does not affect you, the consumer, in the slightest. It simply means the retailer provides a small percentage of the sale to the individual who influenced the sale. As always views remain wholly my own.

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74 Responses to “How I Afford Luxury”

  1. Great tips! I try to go out to dinner only once per week and cook for myself the rest of the time. It saves SO much money. I also keep booze at my house to “pregame” before any time I go out, so I don’t have to buy drinks (or as many drinks as I would). It’s very college but it works! Of course, I’m just trying not to spend money because I don’t make a lot 😉

  2. I totally get this! Especially when you’re a fashion blogger, and you justify purchases, and tell yourself, ‘I need that to photograph fro my blog!’ We’re heading to London in a few weeks, which as you know is an expensive city. Although, I’d much rather buy a pretty purse over high end dinners out.
    Love that Chanel bag!!

  3. This is a refreshing post, I love it, exactly what I need right now 🙂 Having a young family discouraged me to join a party scene or eat out often. But I like that since I can use the fund for a luxury item instead. I agree with you in many ways. I love this post and your blue top.

  4. thatnewd

    Haha yes pregaming is the way forward. Also, only taking cash on a night out is a good one, so you can only spend what you have, rather than using your card all the time xx

  5. thatnewd

    I hope you have an amazing time in London hun, email if you want any recommendations of things to do! On a different note, I totally relate to that fashion blogger excuse, haha! xx

  6. You’re the same as me! I don’t drink alcohol and I pretty much never eat out, if I do ever eat out it would be a lunch meal only, with water and no desert. I also only go on one holiday a year and don’t travel very far, so money is saved there. I am very much a home body and prefer things like trips to the park etc, so I don’t spend my money on other stuff that I see as a wasted expensive. I save it up and buy my Chanel, Celine, LV bags etc and shoes and I’m happy! I completely agree that you earn your money so you have the right to spend it how you see fit. Nobody should judge that. Of course they are entitled if you have to borrow money from them constantly, but if you can afford all your bills and can save, it’s perfectly fine!

    Raindrops of Sapphire

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