In the end after a lot of window shopping I couldn't resist and treated myself to a pair off Netaporter.  I cannot tell you how much I love them and plan on wearing with everything, everyday of the week!  

Minna ParikkaIMG_4198

I had a horrible and sudden realisation the other day as I packed up my flat (FYI I’m currently moving) that I have more than enough shoes.  In fact, probably too many.  Now I’m a firm believer that if the shoe fits, buy it!  However, as I currently have shoes falling out of every cupboard and taking up all my floor space, I officially am on a shoe buying ban.  So thank goodness this last post about a new pair of shoes (for a while at least) are the best pair ever!

These bunny high top trainers are from Minna Parikka who I spoke about in one of my Brand Watch posts (read HERE).  In the end after a lot of window shopping I couldn’t resist and treated myself to a pair off Netaporter.  I cannot tell you how much I love them and plan on wearing with everything, everyday of the week!  Plus they are super comfy.

Minna ParikkaMinna ParikkaMinna ParikkaMinna ParikkaMinna ParikkaMinna ParikkaMinna ParikkaMinna ParikkaMinna Parikka

Outfit details:

Jeans – Topshop (find HERE) | Jumper – ASOS (find HERE) | Necklace – H&M | Shoes – Minna Parikka (find HERE & HERE)

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Please note this post contains affiliate links. This does not affect you, the consumer, in the slightest. It simply means the retailer provides a small percentage of the sale to the individual who influenced the sale. As always views remain wholly my own.

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