This look is really aimed at the girls who don't do that "classic festival look" aka the whole hippy dippy, tie die, flowers in your hair thing!

Festival Inspo

Festival season is well and truly upon us and I thought I’d share a few of my favourite festival looks over the next few weeks.  I plan to cover a broad spectrum of different styles so there should be plenty of distinctive looks to draw inspiration from.  Also, if there are any festival-esque outfits you’re keen to see let me know and I’ll try and incorporate them into this series.

Festival InspoFestival InspoFestival Inspo

Outfit details: Dress – ASOS (similar HERE) | Jacket – Balmain x H&M (find HERE) | Booties – ZARA (similar HERE)

This look is really aimed at the girls who don’t do that “classic festival look” aka the whole hippy dippy, tie die, flowers in your hair thing.  If black is your fail safe colour and you usually avoid the colours of the rainbow like the plague this is for you.  Just because you’re at a festival doesn’t mean you have to forgo your usual style and that includes dark colours.

I realise this is quite a bit more glamorous than the usual festival get up but festivals are more and more becoming fashion playgrounds and to go slightly against the grain will have you standing out for all the right reasons.  Sequins and glamour certainly have their place and they’re definitely festival appropriate.

Festival InspoFestival Inspo

Maxi dresses are the perfect festival pieces because they have that easy breezy, chilled out look to them which is exactly the vibe you want to go for.  Also, being a bit more covered up when outdoors is never a bad thing.  I’m a stickler for sun protection and I’ve lost count of the number of times a long dress has saved me from burnt legs!

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Festival InspoFestival Inspo

If you’re at a festival late at night it WILL get cold and you’ll definitely need a jacket.  I always lean towards a leather one for two reasons.  Firstly they have a rock ‘n’ roll look to them and secondly, on a more practical level, if you get a drink split on you, which is inevitable at a festival, you can usually wipe them clean.  Obviously I wouldn’t recommend taking your very favourite one but in general they’re far more likely to survive the festivities than most other jackets!

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Photos taken by Oda Beide

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42 Responses to “Festival Inspo: Going Glam (Look 1)”

  1. I simply LOVE this look! It’s so refreshing from the typical grungy/hippie/boho outfits that most festival-goers wear (which are not my cup of tea). And I must agree on the covering up tip, since you’re typically outside for hours on end this is so important!

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