I can finally understand the draw to trainers and particularly the Superstar style because they are ridiculously comfortable but still look great.  I've found a whole new shoe to fall in love with!

adidas supercolor sand

I’m not a trainer girl but I’m currently pretty smitten with my Adidas Originals Supercolors which were done in collaboration with Pharrell Williams.

The hype and excitement around the launch of these limited edition Superstars somewhat passed me by which of course meant I was oblivious to what a sell out they were.  I just couldn’t understand why I wasn’t able to get hold of a pair a week after the drop date!  Anyway, me being me, once I got that bee in my bonnet I was darn well going to make sure I found them and eventually I tracked a pair down.

The collection has 50 different colours to pick from and I have the shade sand.  I am in LOVE with this colour, it sits between a beige/mustard-y hue and a soft, baby yellow.  It’s that perfect cross between smart and girly!  I also like that it’s not too super in your face like some of the other neon shades and bright colours available.

I can finally understand the draw to trainers and particularly the Superstar style because they are ridiculously comfortable but still look great.  I’ve found a whole new shoe to fall in love with!

adidas supercolor sandadidas supercolor sandadidas supercolor sandadidas supercolor sandadidas supercolor sandadidas supercolor sandadidas supercolor sandadidas supercolor sandadidas supercolor sandadidas supercolor sandadidas supercolor sand

Outfit details:

Jeans – Topshop | Cardigan – American Apparel (similar HERE & HERE) | Tee – H&M | Trainers – Adidas Superstar Supercolor

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