A simple change of blazer and/or shoes can do totally reinvent any outfit.  With a great blazer and heels, we can change the world ladies!

It’s no secret I love a blazer.  In my eyes, they’re the perfect finishing touch to any look.  A simple change of blazer and/or shoes can do totally reinvent any outfit.  With a great blazer and heels, we can change the world ladies!

Since I can’t get enough of them and as my collection seems to be getting larger and larger, I thought I’d share everything you need to know about buying a blazer and what to look out for in order to get the most out of it.


My first and biggest tip is sizing.  With blazers, I either go one of two ways, I either size up or size down.

If you’re looking for a blazer which you can wear throughout the day with anything and everything that always looks chic, then this is when you size up.

I tend to size up purely for one reason and that’s so I can throw the blazer over my shoulders.  If you’ve been around the blog for a while, you’ll know this is my favourite look (you can previous examples HERE, HERE & HERE).   In order for it to hang properly, it has to be on the larger side.  It doesn’t work with a jacket that is exactly your size, as it crumples up at the back and is difficult to keep balanced on your shoulders.

For those moments you want to actually wear it, if it does look too oversized on, then I recommend ruching the sleeves up.  It’s amazing how this can change the whole aesthetic of the jacket and automatically create a better fit.

Reasons to size down are jackets/blazers look so much more elegant when they’re fitted.  They give a really defined silhouette.  This is especially true if it’s really well tailored and perfectly cinches you in at the waist.  If you’re looking for a blazer to wear in the evening or on formal occasions I would definitely recommend a smaller size than you’d usually wear.

I’m going to be totally frank by letting you know if you do size down, don’t expect the blazer to be the height of comfort.  It will be tight and restrictive, especially around the arms and back.  However, it is SO worth it for the polished and perfectly structured look it creates.

Buttoned Up or Undone

One of the age-old debates when it comes to blazers is to button it up or leave it undone.  Personally, I like both BUT anybody I’ve ever spoken to who is a real connoisseur of fashion, has always told me you never button a jacket up.  It’s OK to belt it but definitely not do the buttons up.

This is quite handy to know if you do end up sizing down, as it does not matter if you can’t actually do the jacket up.  It’s better to have that defined shape and not worry about being able to close it.

Where to Buy

Although I own and wear blazers from the luxury brands right through to the high street ones, I have to be honest and say the more expensive ones outrank the cheaper ones on every front.

Out of all Ready-to-Wear I think a blazer is the most important piece to invest in.  A beautifully cut, good quality blazer will never go out of style and trust me when I say you’ll wear it time and time again.  The amount of wear I get out of mine is insane.

If you can afford it then Balmain is the obvious choice.  I’ve only had the Double-Breasted Blazer for a couple of months but without a shadow of a doubt it’s the best blazer I’ve ever owned.  The quality of the fabric, weight of the buttons and its perfect lining, makes it worth every penny.

It’s worth noting both of my Balmain blazers were bought preloved, so you don’t necessarily have to spend the full £1500+ to get your hands on one (you can read about me buying both HERE & HERE).  Plus, in the past I’ve seen seasonal colours go on sale but these always sell out really fast, so act quick if you want one!

If you can’t or don’t want to splash out huge amounts on a jacket then the best place is ZARA.  I bought a gorgeous jacket from ZARA, almost 10 years ago, as a substitute for when I initially fell in love with Balmain blazers but couldn’t afford one and it’s still going strong.


Lastly, you can always tailor a blazer to get that perfect shape.  A jacket can be altered at least one size up or down.  This basically means if you want to rock the oversized trend this year but next year, you want something more fitted, you could always have it taken in.  Just make sure you go to an amazing tailor (have a friend recommend you one) or you may end up broken hearted if they ruin it!

Outfit details: Grey Blazer – Balmain (similar HERE & HERE – I’m thinking about buying this one as I LOVE the colour!) | Black Blazer – Balmain (similar HERE & HERE) | Jeans – Pierre Balmain (find HERE on SALE) | Shirt – Kate Moss x Equipment (find HERE on SALE or similar HERE) | Shoes – Saint Laurent (find HERE & the stunning boot version HERE) | Trainer – Adidas (find HERE)

Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress, Snapchat thatnewdress and Depop @dominiquew.

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Please note this post contains affiliate links. This does not affect you, the consumer, in the slightest. It simply means the retailer provides a small percentage of the sale to the individual who influenced the sale. As always views remain wholly my own.

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  1. Gabrielle

    You make a great point about blazers and jacket looking far more chic when fitted; sizing down is a fabulous tip. As always, you look picture perfect – that grey blazer is stunning.


  2. You’ve inspired me to wear blazers. I never used to wear them but after seeing how easily you style then I’ve been rocking a few and have even gotten lots of compliments. You look sporty and chic.

  3. I really have to thank you a lot for the tips about size up and size down the blazers, I will consider them since I have problems with my weight, I loose and gain weight often and often I have to give up jackets and blazers because are not fitted anymore. Now I know how to still wear them.
    P.s: your look is great, the combination of textures and shades of color is great
    Wish you a fantastic day!
    Flo from

  4. That’s where I get annoyed with blazers too. I love on the shoulders, but you always need them bigger to sit straight, but I mostly prefer tighter, fitted jackets because I have narrow shoulders so they can always look sloppy and loose. It’s a complex thing! Love your grey one though!

    Raindrops of Sapphire

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