The truth is the only standard you should be measuring yourself against is the goals you set yourself.  


Block out the noise

I find particularly as a blogger, although this is true in all walks of life, I’m constantly comparing myself to others and worrying about not matching up to their standards and achievements.  While I want to be proud of my contemporaries successes there is always that niggle that I wish it was me.  The truth is the only standard you should be measuring yourself against is the goals you set yourself.   Rather than fret over that brand you didn’t get to work with or that exam result you didn’t do as well as in, look at how far you’ve come.

Growth is unique to every person and just because one person excels quicker than the other, it doesn’t mean you’re not going to get there.  I know that I’ve always been someone who has to play the long game, sadly nothing comes naturally to be, but with hard work and determination, I eventually get there in the end.  Constantly scrutinising and fretting over what others have done isn’t going to get you to your goal any faster.


Stay true to yourself, flaws and all

Embrace your flaws.  Your imperfections make you who you are.  I don’t just mean your physical flaws but also your personality flaws.  There is no point believing you are always perfect and always right in every argument because trust me, you’re not!  It’s amazing how the minute you admit your own failings and ability to be wrong how enlightening it is.  It also helps you to identify your strengths and weaknesses.  Once you know these you can play to your strengths and all your much deserved goals and successes will come rolling in!


Reminisce on the good times

Remembering my past achievements always gives me that boost when I’m feeling down and need to be filled with confidence.  I think we’re all so self-critical of ourselves and caught in the moment we forget to look at the bigger picture.  I don’t doubt that every single person that reads this has achieved incredible things.  Life is full of obstacles and how we tackle them and overcome them is truly amazing.  Remember to remind yourself of this every now and again!


Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress and Snapchat thatnewdress.

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7 Responses to “3 Ways to Believe in Yourself”

  1. My beautiful friend! I saw this post weeks ago when it first went up and it came at the perfect time for me.
    This IS the best article. I think about how far you’ve come and you are always such a wonderful inspiration to me. Thank you for believing in yourself! 🙂 I also wanted to say that for me, it’s embracing the fact that I’m my best friend, and my worst enemy all at the same time. I’m a perfectionist (always have been, and probably will be too) – So usually I stand in my own way and can be my biggest critic. I just try to be aware of it when it’s happening, and try to be kind to myself too. That’s the biggest lesson – learning how to be kind to myself. At the same time, I feel like I’m my own “secret weapon” haha – that I truly have something special to offer the world. I guess it’s possible to be both to myself. I’m learning to balance the ying and the yang. Maybe they need each other to get the most out of every moment 🙂 I love you plenty and this blog is looking FABULOUS!

  2. Keung Ha

    Hi Dominique,

    Come across your website and read some of the bloggs you wrote. Just like to say, I am so proud of you how you grow so beautifully both inside and out. it’s so obvious to me that you have a great mind as well as great styles. The insecurities of not being able to measure up are very good thing. It’s these qualities made people wanting to better themselves.. Keep up with the great work and follow your dreams.

    uncle Keung

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