Grain free dry food is a great option because it contains more meat, less carbohydrates and easy to digest animal fats. It mimics more of a dog's natural ancestral diet without any of the faff of having to give them raw food.
I was recently advised to stay away from the food I feed my little Simba due to its diminishing quality. Doggy food and their diet recommendations are continually improving and the quality is head and shoulders above what it use to be.
Grain free dry food is a great option because it contains more meat, less carbohydrates and easy to digest animal fats. It mimics more of a dog’s natural ancestral diet without any of the faff of having to give them raw food. I originally tried Canagan which Simba loved but was by far the most pricey option in the pet store.
I was pleasantly surprised when kindly sent Simba a goody box of food and treats. One of which was Huntland Adult Scottish Loch Salmon Grain Free. Not only did Simba adore it (his eyes practically popped out in excitement), I’m also loving the price point. It’s currently on sale and I would definitely recommend this as a great win win food choice.
The lucky puppy also received some Lily’s Kitchen Organic Bedtime Dog Treats and Almo Nature. If you’re looking for any of the big brand foods (for all sorts of animals) then definitely has the most competitive prices. Also, their Bottomless Bowl subscription service is definitely worth looking into. It provides maximum convenience and auto reorders all your pet supplies so you never have to worry about running out of pet food again.
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