The discounts were substantial but not everything was a bargain.

If you caught my write up about the Versace sample sale (read it HERE if you missed it) you might remember I mentioned I was planning on attending the Temperley London one.

It was a sale I was really looking forward to as I have admired Temperley for years but never had the chance to own anything.  Their craftsmanship and design is simply exceptional but they do have a hefty price tag to match.  Naturally, my favourite pieces are the embroidered and highly embellished designs which cost a pretty penny to say the least.  I had all my fingers and toes crossed that I might be able to find something spectacular for a bargain price.

The sale was held on the top floor of their beautiful boutique on Bruton Street, just off Bond Street.  I believe this was the first year they’ve hosted it in-store and I thought it worked very well.  There was a minimum £2 entry fee which was donated to charity.  It’s worth noting they didn’t have any change and one lady behind me only had a £20 note, so that’s what she had to pay in order to enter, so I suggest making sure you’ve got some coins with you.

There were 3 separate rooms; one had all the statement floor length party dresses, the other was accessories, shoes and skirts, and the last room was a mix of different ready-to-wear.  There were two make shift changing rooms and plenty of mirrors dotted around the place.

I went around 11am and although it was busy it wasn’t manic.  I liked the set up and it was quite spacious.  I found some of the rails were overstocked, which made rifling through them tricky when there are lots of other people around you doing the same thing.

The discounts were substantial but not everything was a bargain.  This was partly due to the fact that the original retail prices are so high, 70% off a £2500 dress, for example, is still a lot of money.  If you’re looking for something really special you should still expect to spend at least £400.  Pricing was as follows:

Ready-to-wear: £60 – £250

Special pieces & one offs: £400 – £750

Shoes: £80 – £200

Boots: £120 – £300

Scarves: £60 – £90

Wraps: £600

Bags: £60

There was also a rail of damaged ready-to-wear which was SO cheap.  Dresses which retailed for thousands were down to £100, so if you’re a dab hand with a sewing machine or don’t mind a stain here and there this was where the major bargains could be found.

I tried on a selection of pieces but only bought one item which was these stunning embroidered wide leg trousers.  These are a sample which never went into production, making them one of a kind.  I love the idea that these are a total one off and no-one else will ever own them but me!

I paid £400 for them which personally I think was on the pricey end compared to some of the other pricing.  It’s for this reason I didn’t buy anything else.  I umm’d and errr’d for ages about buying a stunning embroidered skirt (you can see it HERE under Boho Chic) but they only had it in a size 12, so I would have had to get it altered and at £400 I thought it was too risky a purchase.

Overall, I thought the sale was great and I would definitely make the effort to go the next one.  Yes, I felt my trousers were a little overpriced but I love them nonetheless and I’ve managed to get wear out of them already.  There were some really beautiful and statement pieces available but even with the mark downs they were still a substantial amount of money.

Going to a Temperley London sample sale you should expect to buy investment pieces rather than bagging a mega bargain.

Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress, Snapchat thatnewdress and Depop @dominiquew.

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  1. Gabrielle

    Totally understand why you bought these trousers, they’re SO special – and truly unique, how amazing to know nobody else will own them. I also adore Temperley pieces, always so delicate and romantic. Will have to be sure to check out their future sample sales!

  2. Ahh I love temperley london!! Your pants are beautiful but definitely very expensive. I am not sure if I would have purchased anything at the prices you mentioned but if you’re willing to get the wear out its defs a beauty to have in your wardrobe!

    Love the look 🙂

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