What's in my bag... blogpost as it gives us all a chance to delve into something that is usually a private and personal part of a woman's life.


There is no denying I’m a nosy person! I’m a big fan of the What’s in my bag… blogpost as it gives us all a chance to delve into something that is usually a private and personal part of a woman’s life.  People are always telling me I have such a heavy bag and asking me what on earth is in there!? So here is my first ever version of this popular post:

This Anya Hindmarch Bathurst is my favourite day to day bag.  I’m usually either at the office or out at meetings Monday to Friday and this is smart, stylish and practical.  I also like that it isn’t in your face, it is very subtle and not overly branded.  It fits absolutely everything and the kitchen sink.  I’m a creature of habit so I always throw the same things in it and these are what I never leave the house without:

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1.  This is really not glamorous but if you have a pupster, like I do, you need to have poop bags, so they’re an essential.

2. Nurofen is yet another boring essential!

3.  We live in a day an age of cards; loyalty cards, membership cards, subscription cards, club cards, points cards, etc, etc.  I now have so many that I store them in this Anya Hindmarch Loose Pocket which was a freebie when I purchased my handbag.  I really recommend this if you’re looking for something to store odd bits and bobs in.  It doesn’t take up much room because it’s so flat and it is very light but still super roomy inside.

4. Part of the reason I always look for big handbags is because of this long purse.  I hate carrying one of those small coin purses or a card wallet as I like my credit cards, loose change and money to be all together.  This one is from Miu Miu and a fairly recent purchase.  Given its metallic lilac finish I thought it’d be wrecked within seconds but so far Miu Miu quality is holding up!

5. I love my iPad mini and although I’ve had this one a while now it is still as good as new.  A total essential!

6. This Moleskine notebook is perfect for taking notes on the go, whether it be in a meeting or at some random moment when inspiration strikes regarding a new blogpost!  This is super light so doesn’t weigh my bag down.

7. Perfume is a staple in any woman’s handbag and this Jo Malone Earl Grey and Cucumber is one my signature scents.  If you haven’t smelt it already do so stat! It is AMAZING and so unique.  I love that Jo Malone do travel sizes and I have collected wayyyy to many!

8. Apparently 3 lip products is the perfect amount day to day! At the moment I’m carrying Vita CC Lip Essence which was from a Memebox, Clinique Chubby Stick Moisturising Lip Colour Balm in Woopin’ Watermelon (a freebie with Glamour magazine) and Lipstick Queen Chinatown in Catalina.


9. I carry two iPhones – one for work and one for personal.  Like most people my phone is an extension of me and my lifeline!

10. I love this sparkly pen from Tory Burch but it doesn’t stop me being embarrassed every time I pull it out to use it!  It is very Essex but the people who know me best will know I totally embrace my inner Essex!

11. Business cards are another essential.  I work in Marketing and PR so I’m forever handing out cards to anybody and everybody!

12. House keys are an obvious essential.  I like big key rings so I can find them amongst everything else in my big bag!

13. Car keys on yet another big key chain! This teddy is from Prada and is super cute but she’s probably in need of a bath from me throwing her around so much!

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So now you know what I would never leave the house without.  As you can see I don’t really carry a staple makeup bag as it depends on how I’m doing my makeup that day, where I’m travelling, etc.  Let me know if you think I’m missing anything and be sure to share your What’s in your bag… blogposts below!

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