My favourite thing about the Sophia Webster sample sale is their pre-registration system.

I know that Sophia Webster isn’t for everyone as a lot of her shoes are quite Marmite, you either love them or hate them.  Personally, I’m a huge fan.  I adore her quirky style and statement designs.  Simply put, there isn’t another shoe brand which is even comparable to Sophia Webster’s style.  You can read more about the brand and my love for it HERE.

This was the third Sophia Webster sample sale I’ve been to.  It’s always held at the sample sale venue of choice, The Music Rooms on South Molton Lane.  I really like this venue as they have a lot of experience hosting sales.  It’s well organised and even when the queues are excessive, it’s never pandemonium.

My favourite thing about the Sophia Webster sample sale is their pre-registration system.  Registration has to be done on the Sophia Webster website and you have to sign up for an hourly slot.  You’re then emailed a confirmation email and on the day of the sale, you simply show it at the door.

The only (very small) issue is you do have to be quick if you want to attend the early time slots.  The 9-10am one fills up very quickly.  If you forget to sign up or the time slots you want to attend aren’t available, then it’s open to everyone after 4pm.  Sign up to their mailing list or follow them on Snapchat or Instagram in order to hear about any upcoming sales first.

I REALLY like this system as you can be certain you’ll be in and out of the sale in an hour.  There is no excessive queueing and each time slots is allocated a maximum number of attendees.  It makes it the perfect lunchtime pit stop, as you don’t have to worry about being stuck in a queue and being late back to the office.  For me, the guarantee of not having to stand in a long line for an unknown amount of time is a massive bonus.

Prices were as follows:

Knee High Boots – £250

Spring/Summer 17 Styles – £180

Past Season Styles – £140

All Samples – £80

All Flats – £60

Mini Shoes – £30

I’m going to be honest and say at this most recent sale I really struggled to find anything.  On the other hand, in the previous sale I went to I walked away with two pairs of gorgeous booties (see what they look like HERE).

The best way I can describe it is this sale only felt like half a sale.  It was really low on stock in comparison to the previous ones.  I definitely wasn’t the only one who thought this.  I chatted to at least two other ladies who were also left disappointed by the selection and a huge number of people walked away empty handed.

I also almost walked away with nothing but at the last moment I spotted a random pair of Layla Pom-Pom Sandals on the sample table.  Most of the samples were size 39 with a small smattering of 36s.  I’ve lusted after the Yasmina Pom-Pom Heels for ages and ages (see them HERE) and these are really similar.  In fact, these are probably more wearable than the Yasmina.  At £80 I couldn’t resist.

The samples table had some mega bargains.  Each sample was worn and marked to varying degrees.  Some still looked (almost) like new while others were more worn.  Mine do have a few scuffs but nothing major.  You can’t even tell they’re a sample when I’m wearing them.

If you’re a big Sophia Webster fan this is an absolute must.  If you only quite like the brand, I would probably give it a miss, as the available styles tend to be on the wackier side.  Even as a big fan, there was a lot of stock that was way too “out there” even for me.  Having said that I did recognise a few hot pieces which I thought were a real sample sale score including the Lacey and a few of the much-loved butterfly inspired styles.

The great thing about this sale is it’s always such a pleasure to shop.  It’s well-organised, the pre registration system means it’s not overcrowded and the staff are lovely.  I will defintely be at the next sale, so perhaps I will see you there!  I have my fingers and toes crossed they’ll have some bags at the next one.

Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress, Snapchat thatnewdress and Depop @dominiquew.

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