My general rule of thumb is to wear black as the base of the outfit because it's (obviously) far more flattering.

monochrome mania

You can never go wrong with monochrome; it’s classic, elegant and forever in style.  It is a look I can always rely on no matter the occasion.  My general rule of thumb is to wear black as the base of the outfit because it’s (obviously) far more flattering.  In this case I chose my black lace dress from BCBG.  I generally find white (which this dress does also come in) quite unforgiving so I tend to save it for when I’m tanned or feeling skinny!  Instead I use white accents, like this tweed jacket.

monochrome maniamonochrome mania

Outfit details: Dress – BCBG (similar HERE & HERE) | Jacket – ZARA (find HERE) | Shoes – Jimmy Choo (similar HERE & HERE)| Belt – BCBG (similar HERE or a high street version HERE)

I really love this jacket and it looks exactly like a Chanel.  The only problem is most of the world seems to also own it!  So far I’ve worn it out twice and on both occasions I’ve seen someone else in it.  The saving grace is it can be styled so many different ways; with jeans, over dresses or even as a suit jacket so at least we don’t all look like clones of each other!  Although despite everyone and their pet dog having it I still think it’s a great buy because it really does look exactly like a Chanel.  I know this because my mum has the real deal and when I’ve compared them they’re super similar!  Thankfully this one is A LOT more purse friendly.

monochrome maniamonochrome mania

These lace booties got quite the reaction on Instagram and Snapchat when I first bought them at Bicester Village.  You can read all about how I got them for a (fairly) bargain price HERE.  As I anticipated in that post I’ve struggled to find many occasions to wear them to but when I do they always make a statement!

monochrome mania

Photos taken by Oda Beide

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