Alpaca fur is sourced as ethically as you can get as Alpacas are not killed for their fur.


Wearing fur has always been a controversial issue and people tend to have very conflicting and fierce views about it.  As you’ve probably noticed already I choose to wear certain furs but I highly respect anyone who has a different view to me.  There are strong reasons for and against and I can completely appreciate both sides of the arguments.

About a year ago I discovered Alpaca fur and I think for a lot of people this could be a game changer when it comes to buying and wearing fur.  Alpaca fur is sourced as ethically as you can get as Alpacas are not killed for their fur.


Most Alpaca fur comes from Peru where it is not financially viable to kill alpacas for their skins.  They can live up to 20 years which promises a lifetime of shearing (much like we do with sheep), which has a far greater financial benefit than a single skin.

The fur predominantly comes from the natural death of baby Alpacas, called cria, of which many sadly die from hypothermia caused by the plummeting Andes winter weather.  Farmers would obviously rather see their cria develop to a ripe old age but by selling the fur, the death of the cria is not wasted and the farmer can still benefit.


Outfit details: Trousers – Balmain x H&M (similar luxury version HERE & a high street option HERE) | Cardigan – Chanel (similar HERE) | Tee – H&M (find HERE) | Gilet – Samantha Holmes (find HERE) | Shoes – Gucci (find HERE & HERE) | Bag – Givenchy (similar HERE & HERE) | Necklace – H&M (similar HERE & HERE) | Bangle – Guess (find HERE) | Watch – Hermes (find HERE) | Rings – Vintage

Just make sure you look out for a company that follows Fair Trade practices and purchases ethically sourced Alpaca furs.  I tend to purchase from Samatha Holmes for several reasons.  Firstly, she works closely with independent producer groups which are predominantly family run businesses or individual home workers.  On her website, she talks about regularly visiting her network of workers to ensure they’re fairly renumerated and have good working conditions.  Any company which concentrates on ethical and fair process always gets my support.


The second reason I stand by Samatha Holmes is her gilets are absolutely divine.  Now we all know I LOVE a gilet but I have to say her’s are the softest and fluffiest I have ever come across.  Whenever I wear mine I always get compliments without fail.  You honestly have to touch one to understand just how fluffy it feels and obviously with it being fur, it keeps you incredibly warm too.

It comes in 3 colours, black, grey and brown.  As they’re currently on sale I’m planning on treating myself to the brown one as I honestly cannot get enough.  These are just a few other pieces I also have my beady eye on (use the arrows to scroll along):

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Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress, Snapchat thatnewdress and Depop @dominiquew.

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Please note this post contains affiliate links. This does not affect you, the consumer, in the slightest. It simply means the retailer provides a small percentage of the sale to the individual who influenced the sale. As always views remain wholly my own.

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