Alpaca fur is sourced as ethically as you can get as Alpacas are not killed for their fur.
Wearing fur has always been a controversial issue and people tend to have very conflicting and fierce views about it. As you’ve probably noticed already I choose to wear certain furs but I highly respect anyone who has a different view to me. There are strong reasons for and against and I can completely appreciate both sides of the arguments.
About a year ago I discovered Alpaca fur and I think for a lot of people this could be a game changer when it comes to buying and wearing fur. Alpaca fur is sourced as ethically as you can get as Alpacas are not killed for their fur.
Most Alpaca fur comes from Peru where it is not financially viable to kill alpacas for their skins. They can live up to 20 years which promises a lifetime of shearing (much like we do with sheep), which has a far greater financial benefit than a single skin.
The fur predominantly comes from the natural death of baby Alpacas, called cria, of which many sadly die from hypothermia caused by the plummeting Andes winter weather. Farmers would obviously rather see their cria develop to a ripe old age but by selling the fur, the death of the cria is not wasted and the farmer can still benefit.
Outfit details: Trousers – Balmain x H&M (similar luxury version HERE & a high street option HERE) | Cardigan – Chanel (similar HERE) | Tee – H&M (find HERE) | Gilet – Samantha Holmes (find HERE) | Shoes – Gucci (find HERE & HERE) | Bag – Givenchy (similar HERE & HERE) | Necklace – H&M (similar HERE & HERE) | Bangle – Guess (find HERE) | Watch – Hermes (find HERE) | Rings – Vintage
Just make sure you look out for a company that follows Fair Trade practices and purchases ethically sourced Alpaca furs. I tend to purchase from Samatha Holmes for several reasons. Firstly, she works closely with independent producer groups which are predominantly family run businesses or individual home workers. On her website, she talks about regularly visiting her network of workers to ensure they’re fairly renumerated and have good working conditions. Any company which concentrates on ethical and fair process always gets my support.
The second reason I stand by Samatha Holmes is her gilets are absolutely divine. Now we all know I LOVE a gilet but I have to say her’s are the softest and fluffiest I have ever come across. Whenever I wear mine I always get compliments without fail. You honestly have to touch one to understand just how fluffy it feels and obviously with it being fur, it keeps you incredibly warm too.
It comes in 3 colours, black, grey and brown. As they’re currently on sale I’m planning on treating myself to the brown one as I honestly cannot get enough. These are just a few other pieces I also have my beady eye on (use the arrows to scroll along):
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Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress, Snapchat thatnewdress and Depop @dominiquew.
I like your opinion on fur and I agree with you. You look so chic and edgy in the leather pants and the fur.
Wooow you look gorgeous in this wonderful outfit!!! I love your cute shoes <3
Looking gorgeous babe. Love the whole outfit but mostly I’m digging for that furry shoes. <3
Best Wishes
Gorgeous look love! And those Gucci clogs are fabulous!! 🙂
XOXO, Aliya
everything is gorgeous
Life is just Rosie
Thank you for sharing dear, it’s always a delight to read your blog!!! 🙂
“Much love,
Hadasah Love ||
Your gillet is so chic. How wonder how well does Alpaca fur fare over time? Is it easy maintenance?
Your outfit is one of my faves of the week, I love the colors and specially the fur vest!
My Vogue Style |
I love the fur.Makes your outfit so chic.You look great.
I do like that Alpacas are shorn, they have such soft wool too. It’s so luxurious.
xx Jenelle
Your shoes are gorgeous x
Jessica — NinetyCo
this look super chic, love fur vest so glam
new review on my blog <<< Valentine’s Day: gift and gadgets >>>
have an happy day, kisses
That little fur vest is so cute! It looks so soft!
Gorgeous outfit! I love the sweater!
I love an all black look! I don’t know how I feel about fur. I prefer everything faux, but in very cold countries, I can understand how fur can be useful
You look beautiful, and I love that they don’t kill for their furs!
God bless,
XO, Claire
I love that an animal was not killed for this fur to be made. It is such a beautiful vest, I can see you styling it with so many different outfits! Super chic and I bet it’s warm too!
xoxo Rina Samantha
What a cute fur vest, it’s a great option! And your shoes WOW ♥
Super cute total look. Your shoes are amazing
Such a great look, lady- and I love that this is a sustainable and ethical way to wear fur!
Le Stylo Rouge
Thank you so much lovely! xx
Awww thanks girl! I wasn’t sure about the clogs at first but now I love them and can’t get enough! Haha xx
Thank you so much lovely xx
Aww thanks doll xx
You’re such a sweetie, thank you xx
It fares really well and is super low maintenance! xx
Really?! That makes my week, thank you! xx
Thank you so much for the lovely comment hun xx
It’s so soft! I love it as a fur xx
Awww thanks hun xx
Thanks so much doll xx
It’s so soft and luxurious, I’m seriously obsessed with it! xx
Thank you sweetie! xx
That’s why Alpaca is so great, it’s totally ethical! xx
Isn’t it great?! Thank you so much for stopping by the blog hunny! xx
Yes, I’m going to be wearing it with everything and anything I think!! xx
Awww you’re such a doll, thank you! xx
Thanks so much hun xx
Me too! I think it’s wonderful, I’ll definitely be investing in more Alpaca from now on xx
Thank you so much hunny xx
Such a cute fur vest. This looks super chic and your shoes are gorgeous.
Ann-Marie |
Aww thanks doll xx