They do say time apart makes the heart grow fonder, so if that's the case and it's constantly playing on your mind, go and treat yourself!

I know I’ve been sounding like a broken record recently and constantly going on about only buying investment pieces,  avoiding fast fashion and maximising your wardrobe.  As much as it’s true, I know it’s getting a bit boring, so I thought I’d write this post which focuses on the reasons you should buy something, rather than the reasons you shouldn’t!

1) Can’t Stop Thinking About It

This is probably the most obvious sign.  If you’ve been admiring something for a while, added it to your wish list and you can’t stop thinking about it, chances are you’re head over heels in love with it.  Mulling things over is a great way to figure out just how much you love something.

They do say time apart makes the heart grow fonder, so if that’s the case and it’s constantly playing on your mind, go and treat yourself!

2) You’ve Planned Your Outfit Around It Already

If you’ve already planned the perfect outfit around something and the look wouldn’t be the same without it, chances are you’ll be falling in love with it pretty fast!  I always think it’s the finishing touches which complete a look and you wouldn’t want your beautiful ensemble to look unfinished, would you?!

3) It’s Exactly What You’ve Been Looking For

When you’ve been hunting around for something for ages and you finally find it; this isn’t the time to think about it, this is the time to make the purchase!  Finding that item who’ve been searching for is like finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, are you seriously just going to leave it?!

4) You’re Going Without In Order to Justify It

We all know that feeling when you see something you love but that price tag is just that little out of reach.  Whenever this happens to me and I start shifting my money around in my head and thinking about what I could go without in order to have that item, I know I’m in love.  Sometimes you have to make sacrifices and if you’re prepared to do it for an item you love, well then you should go for it.

The other thing I often find is when I go without to have something, I treasure it all the more.

5) You’ve Got In Another Colour And Worn It To Death

I’m a great believer if you absolutely adore something and wear it to death you should have it in every colour.  If the reason you’re not letting yourself buy something is because you already have it in blue, or white, or pink, then stop!  That is exactly the reason you should buy it.  If it makes you feel incredible, don’t guilt trip yourself for buying something “the same”, rather think of it as a safe fashion investment.

Outfit details: Jeans – Topshop (find HERE) | Shirt – Tibi (find HERE or similar in other colours and on SALE HERE & HERE) | Shoes – Chanel (find HERE & HERE) | Bag – Chanel (similar HERE & HERE) | Pearl Ring – London Road Jewellery (find HERE) | Pearl Necklace – London Road Jewellery (find HERE)

Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress, Snapchat thatnewdress and Depop @dominiquew.

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Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress and Snapchat thatnewdress.

Please note this post contains affiliate links. This does not affect you, the consumer, in the slightest. It simply means the retailer provides a small percentage of the sale to the individual who influenced the sale. As always views remain wholly my own.

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56 Responses to “5 Signs You Love an Item & Have to Have it!”

  1. Totally agree with those signs. I definitely have experienced that constant-on-my-mind and shifting-money-around feeling about several items! Those for me are the definite signs that tell me I can go & buy it with a clear conscience as I´m absolutely in love with that item!
    xx Lisa | Following Lisa

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