Obviously, the best part about it is just how much money you save.  



Admittedly, this isn’t the most inspiring outfit in the world but if you are on the short side (around the 5ft mark), wear a size UK 6-8 and have size EU 38 feet or smaller, this is the post for you.  If you’re none of these things, sadly this one isn’t for you.

I have recently become obsessed with buying luxury kids ready to wear.



When I first spotted Balenciaga had done a kids casual-wear line, I was intrigued to find out more.  A Balenciaga hoodie has been on my wish list for ages but they are eye-wateringly expensive and there is absolutely no way I’m prepared to pay £600+ for it.

Even though technically the kids line only goes up to age 10, it’s unisex and and is meant to worn oversized (much like the adult line).  Even though it’s not massively oversized on me, it still feels like a perfect fit.  If you’re a size UK 6, you could probably even fit into the age 8.



Obviously, the best part about it is just how much money you save.  As I mentioned earlier the adult version is around £600 but the kids hoodie is a steal at £235.  The jumpers are £185 vs. £545 for the adult one and the kids joggers are only £165.

You can compare the difference between the adult sweater and kids sweater HERE & HERE.



One word of warning, the age 10 sells out really fast as more and more people are cottoning onto to being able to wear the kids collection.  I had to massively hunt around to find this one in an age 10.

Happily, Balenciaga recently launched the new collection and I highly advise snapping it up quick while all sizes are in stock.



This hoodie triggered a full blown obsession with luxury kids ready to wear lines and I made a second amazing discovery.  Gucci kids trainers got up to a UK 5/ EU 38.  I was absolutely flabbergasted when I found out.

The only difference is the kids version comes with velcro rather than laces.  For some people this is enough to put them off but I love the velcro.  Weirdly, I actually prefer the velcro!



I paid £270 for these while the similar adult version retails for £540.  That’s a serious saving! Sizing-wise they fit exactly the same as adult sizing.  I’m wearing my usual size which is a UK 3/ EU 36.

I have the white embroidered version but there are plenty of different styles and colours to choose from.  I’m obsessing over these glittery ones HERE and these fur lined ones HERE.  If you prefer black they also come in embossed leather HERE or plain leather HERE.  Also, it’s taking every once of restraint not to treat myself to these embroidered bee slip on trainers in black HERE and white HERE.



I hope this has opened your eyes to shopping luxury kids ready to wear and has potentially saved you some money.

Other luxury brands with kids lines which are definitely worth checking out is Givenchy (see it HERE), Balmain (see it HERE) and Moschino (see it HERE).


Outfit details: Hoodie – find HERE up to age 8 only or HERE in red up to age 10 & HERE in navy up to age 10 | Skirt – find HEREHERE in khaki & HERE in grey | Bag – find HERE in black & HERE in orange | Shoes – find HERE & HERE or in pink HERE | Watch – find HERE (use promo code thatnewdress15 for $15 off your order)


Don’t forget you can also keep up with me on Instagram @thatnewdress, Twitter @thatnewdress, Bloglovin That New Dress, Snapchat thatnewdress and Depop @dominiquew.



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  1. Unfortunately I can’t do it since I am way too tall and my size is definitely not 38 EU, but I did (and am still doing) the same trick with shoes, especially NIKE Air Max, which are quite expensive for me. I buy the ones for kids (size 38,5 EU) and it’s usually around 50 euro cheaper as well. The outfit looks great on you!

  2. This idea is so amzazing, I got to H&M sometimes and shop at the kids section – I don’t know why I never thought about doing this also when it comes to luxury designer stuff.
    This is propably a game changer for me now! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and tipps with us!
    Enjoy your day x Eva http://nicovabeauty.com

  3. Georgia Owen

    This is such a great post! I’ve always bought the smaller trainers for a fraction of the adult price but I’ve never considered trying it with clothes – definitely something to bear in mind when I’m looking at the next ready to wear line I fall in love with <3

    //teandtwosugars.blogspot.com xx

  4. I loved this post! I don’t have feet small enough to fit, but I will often wear kids clothes from Zara. They have some great pieces! I’ve never actually tried any designer ones, but when I go to Bicester Village I am for sure going to try Gucci t-shirts on! Ha ha!

    Raindrops of Sapphire

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