If I'm completely honest I was not expecting to find a product that would revolutionise my haircare game.  

Liquid Blonde BoostYourBlonde

A couple of weeks ago I was invited to the launch of Liquid Blonde, a new haircare line from PRO:VOKE, who also do the cult brand Touch of Silver.  For the most part I attended because it was being held at my favourite London hotspot, Ham Yard Hotel and I was rather the excited about the braid bar they had on offer.  If I’m completely honest I was not expecting to find a product that would revolutionise my haircare game.  FYI it’s not very often I make such a bold claim, so definitely keep on reading and I promise it’ll be worth your while!

Liquid Blonde BoostYourBlonde

By coincidence a couple of days after the launch I’d run out of my usual shampoo and, as is always the way, only realised mid-shower!  I ended up reaching for the nearest bottle which happened to be the Liquid Blonde Colour Activating Treatment Shampoo I had previously picked up at the event.  In a nutshell it is an intensive shampoo which can be used 2-3 times a week to boost and enhance the tone and depth of your blonde (highlights or natural) in a single wash.

Now I’m no blonde but I do have a few subtle blonde ombre highlights running through the ends.  I can honestly say since using this shampoo they are suddenly considerably brighter and bolder, to point where friends and family have asked if I lightened my hair.  I am completely in awe of what this product can do and I’d go as far as to say it’s a miracle worker. Originally I wasn’t even planning on posting about Liquid Blonde, let alone anything so gushy(!), but the proof really is in the pudding and you need to try it.  There is also an accompanying conditioner, called Intense Shine Conditioner, which I haven’t used too much as I get the desired results from the shampoo alone but if you’re looking for that additional shine it’s probably worth a go.

Liquid Blonde BoostYourBlonde

Liquid Blonde has two main products within the line.  The Colour Activating Treatment Shampoo and Conditioner, which I’ve already raved about, and the Colour Care Shampoo and Conditioner which is designed for daily use.

As if it couldn’t get any better the Liquid Blonde range is super affordable, ranging between £3.99 – £4.99 per bottle and available in Boots (who currently have it on special offer) and Tesco.

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Liquid Blonde BoostYourBlonde

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I was kindly gifted a few products to try from the Pro:voke Liquid Blonde product line but as always all opinions remain wholly my own. Please note this post contains affiliate links and/or paid for content. This does not affect you, the consumer, in the slightest. It simply means the retailer provides a small percentage of the sale to the individual who influenced the sale.

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58 Responses to “PRO:VOKE Liquid Blonde – Simply the Best”

  1. thatnewd

    Thank you lovely! It’s brand new to the market which is why you might not have heard of it before but seriously check them out! They’re amazing xx

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